
Home & Family Winter DIY & How-To's

Matt Rogers' Fun Indoor Activities for Kids
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Matt Rogers' Fun Indoor Activities for Kids

Materials for DIY Spider Web Throw

  • Door frame
  • Painters tape
  • Scrap paper

Materials for DIY Balloon Rockets

  • Yarn
  • Tape
  • Balloon
  • Straw

Directions for DIY Spider Web Throw

1) Run painters tape across door frame

2) Throw scrap pieces of paper towards tape and watch it stick

Directions for DIY Balloon Rockets

1) Blow up balloon and pinch the end to keep air from escaping

2) Release the balloon and watch it fly across the room

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DIY Birdhouse
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DIY Birdhouse


  • Plywood
  • 2 x 4 wood
  • 1 x 4 wood
  • Nails
  • Plants
DIY Birdhouses - Home & Family


1. Cut wood to size of your birdhouse (see website for cut list)

2. Use nail gun to attach pieces of wood to the sides of some plywood, to create a base for the house to sit on.

3. Add 2 - 2x4 pieces of wood to the base box then sit house on top to elevate it slightly.

4. Box in roof using right angle cut pieces of redwood with nail gun. Then add the roof ledge.

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Check out more fun DIY projects at the Home & Family Pinterest page

Fun Indoor Activities for Kids
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Fun Indoor Activities for Kids

Materials for DIY Spider Web Throw

  • Door frame
  • Painters tape
  • Scrap paper

Materials for DIY Balloon Rockets

  • Yarn
  • Tape
  • Balloon
  • Straw

Directions for DIY Spider Web Throw

Run painters tape across door frame

Throw scrap pieces of paper towards tape and watch it stick

Directions for DIY Balloon Rockets

1) Blow up balloon and pinch the end to keep air from escaping

2) Release the balloon and watch it fly across the room

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DIY Throw Pillow Remote Caddy
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DIY Throw Pillow Remote Caddy


  • Old button down shirt
  • Fabric scissors
  • Heat n bond tape
  • Iron
  • Throw pillow insert
  • Chalk
DIY Throw Pillow Remote Caddy - Home & Family


1. Button up an old shirt, lay flat and place pillow insert on top and trace around with chalk approx. 1" wider than insert.

2. Cut out front and back of shirt along chalk lines.

3. Turn panels face to face and attach heat n bond tape, iron and fuse together.

4. Unbutton shirt, place pillow insert inside.

5. Place on couch and insert remotes inside pockets.

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Check out more fun DIY projects at the Home & Family Pinterest Page

Matt's OTC and Sophie's Natural Remedies for the Common Cold
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Matt's OTC and Sophie's Natural Remedies for the Common Cold

Sleep Aids:

  • NyQuil
  • Wellness Cold and Flu
  • Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts

Cough Aids:

  • Mucinex-D
  • A neti pot

Runny Nose:

  • Vicks Sinex
  • Olbas Inhale

A Natural Remedy for a cough:

Heat half a cup of water in a boiling pot
and add one teaspoon turmeric powder,
one teaspoon black pepper and
one tablespoon honey. Drink up!

A Natural Remedy for a runny nose:
An inhalation of the following:
5 drops of Tea Tree essential oil and 5 drops of Lavender essential oil in a bowl of steaming water

A classic for all that ails you:
Chicken Soup: the homemade kind, not the can kind
It really can help a cold because of the marrow in the chicken bones… it’s important to use real chicken broth that’s been made with the bones of a chicken because they contain B vitamins (in the marrow), calcium, magnesium and zinc all of which can assist your immune cells in fighting off colds and flu.

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For more from natural lifestyle expert Sophie Uliano go to:
Twitter: @sophieuliano

Visit Matt Iseman at and follow him on Twitter @mattiseman.

Shirley Bovshow's Winter Gardening Tips
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Shirley Bovshow's Winter Gardening Tips
How Are Winter Plants Different?
With winter plants, you eat the leaf, stem and root. Summer plants, like beans, tomatoes & peppers grow fruit and that’s the difference.
Kale and Spinach can survive below freezing temperatures.

What About Snow?

Like the ones used at the White House Garden, you can build or buy row covers that will protect winter vegetables from hard freezes and snow.

When Will The Spinach Be Ready To Eat?
You can start clipping the baby spinach leaves in about 3 weeks. Clip what you need and go to the next plant the next time you need spinach so that the last one will create new growth.

Winter Planting Tips:

• Space plants 8" apart.
• Plant in moist soil, water after planting.
• Tamp down to get rid of air pockets.
• Winter vegetables can also be grown in containers.
• Plant Sept. 1 to early Nov. to harvest by winter.
• Using the "clip and grow" creates new growth

A special thanks to our friends at Bonnie Plants for all of today's garden supplies

And you can get more great gardening tips from Shirley at or on twitter @FoodieGardeners.

Hottest Fashion Trends for Fall & Winter
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Hottest Fashion Trends for Fall & Winter

Fall/Winter Fashion Trend #1: Black & White

  1. White after Labor Day is now a fashion “do", with designers like Balenciaga, Alexander Wang, Herve Leger, Carolina Herrera and Diane Von Furstenberg all getting in on the Black + White action.
  2. Find pieces that are black and white and piece then together. Look at the fabric and texture of the pieces.
  3. Go against your natural instincts, take black pants and pair with a white shirt and you will normally want to insert color with a necklace but keep the look to black and white.
  4. With black & white go against your natural instincts.
  5. The black and white off the rack look is from Macy's.

Fall/Winter Fashion Trend #2: Oversized Sweater

  1. From Gucci, to Isabel Marant to Derek Lam, Chunky and over-sized sweaters were all over the runways for Fall.
  2. Pair baggy sweater with tight leggings or pencil skirt.
  3. Grab a sweater you would normally shy away from that is oversize and work against it. Add to it and play it up! Put a baggy sweater on and belt it with a pencil skirt. The sweater can be baggy if everything else is fitted. You could even borrow a sweater from your husband, boyfriend or brother.
  4. The sweater can be baggy if everything else is fitted.
  5. The off the rack look is from Forever 21.

Fall/Winter Fashion Trend #3: Plaid

  1. While plaid is all the rage right now, there’s nothing old school or prep school about this modern take on tartan. Experiment with the scale and size of the crossbars but remember, the idea is not to clash but to complement.
  2. Plaid: The idea is not to clash but to complement.
  3. Find common colors in your plaid with your other patterns and solids.
  4. The off the rack look shirt is from Forever 21 and blazer Zara.

From now through Sunday, Orly is giving Home & Family viewers 25% off on her website by using promo code homeandfamily (all lowercase).

For more from Orly Shani, visit her at

And check out Celebrity Stylist Daniel Musto at

Home Remedies For Treating Cold And Flu Symptoms (and similar symptoms)
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Home Remedies For Treating Cold And Flu Symptoms (and similar symptoms)

1) Post Nasal Drip
(Excessive mucus dripping down the back of the throat from sinus drainage or mucus from cold. In winter typically viral, in spring/summer – allergies can be the culprit).
Remedy: Rinsing sinuses with salt water; gargling with salt water

Why it works: Sinus drainage is composed of mucous, which gets thick, tenacious, and dangles in the back of the throat like a pendulum, causing drip and cough. Liquifying the mucous by instilling saline in the sinuses (via the nose) dilutes the mucous and helps discharge it from the sinuses.

Gargling, at a local level, will dilute the mucus at the back of the throat offering more temporary relief, and the warm water in it will ease discomfort in the throat.


For the Netty Pot or direct instillation via nasal syringe:
• 1 cup lukewarm water
• 1 tsp non-iodized salt • pinch of baking soda Use twice daily per package directions.
For gargling:
½ tsp salt/cup of room temp or warm water as needed.

2) Cough
Remedy: Swallowing buckwheat honey (warning, only for individuals over a year of age, due to botulism risk)

Why it works: A 2007 study showed that children who received a small dose of buckwheat honey before bedtime slept better and coughed less than those who received either a common over-the-counter cough suppressant (dextromethorphan) or nothing at all.

Darker honeys (like buckwheat) have more antioxidents, and cost less than OTC meds, which have other side effects. Usefulness can perhaps be attributed to the idea that an enzyme that bees add to the nectar produces hydrogen peroxide, an antibacterial agent. For coughs and sore throats, it may be the stickiness and viscosity of honey that makes it work well. It has long been known that demulcents [like honey] can soothe irritated mucous membranes and thereby remove the irritation that is fueling the cough reflex.

• Swallow a tsp of dark honey, as needed.

3) Scratchy/Sore Throat

(Typically viral in winter, environmental drying of back of throat from heat/dry air, occasionally bacterial (strep), and can occur with prolonged post nasal drip) Remedy: Cayenne pepper

Why it works: The main active constituent found in cayenne, and believed by researchers to provide its medicinal benefits, is a substance known as capsaicin. Throughout research, capsaicin has shown to contain pain-relieving properties by hindering the transmission of substance P, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for transmitting pain signals to your brain. Thus, by depleting the functionality of substance P, pain sensations are temporarily numbed. Other compounds found in cayenne known to provide medicinal benefits include flavonoids (antioxidants), carotenoids as well as vitamins C and A.

• Add ¼ - ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper to one cup of boiling water.
• Then add 1 teaspoon of agave nectar or honey for taste.

4) Cold (Rhinoviruses)

Remedy: Chicken Soup, Warm fluids (like tea)

Why it works: Dr. Stephen Rennard (U of Nebraska Med. Ctr.) conducted a study using blood samples from volunteers, he showed that the soup inhibited the movement of neutrophils, the most common type of white blood cell that defends against infection. Dr. Rennard theorizes that by inhibiting the migration of these infection-fighting cells in the body, chicken soup essentially helps reduce upper respiratory cold symptoms.

Chicken soup is also rich in cysteines, which help thin mucous. In another study, Mt. Sinai researchers in Miami found that in general, the hot fluids helped increase the movement of nasal mucus, but chicken soup did a better job than the hot water.

• It's best to have homemade soup with vegetables. • Commercial brands are second best.

5) Bronchitis

(Viral inflammation of the lining of the bronchi (large airway tubes) leading to excessive mucous production, cough, mucous plugging – can lead to secondary infection and wheezing)
Thyme; Eucalyptus oil (inhaled, NOT ingested)

Why it works: Research has shown that thyme is an effective herbal remedy for bronchitis. According to a German study, cough and mucus production was reduced by over 60% with a combination of thyme and primrose. Eucalyptus contains cineole, a powerful antiseptic that makes it a good remedy to have around during cold and flu season. Herbal oils in general belong to a class of compounds called monoterpenes. Studies have shown that combinations of these essential oils were more effective than placebo and as effective as antibiotics for treatment of bronchitis.

• Use two teaspoons of fresh thyme and add boiling water.
• Allow to steep for at least 5 minutes. • Sip. • Drink twice per day to open airways, decrease cough, and speed healing.

• Put 5-10 drops in a hot bath and breathe in the steam to relieve chest congestion. • Alternatively, you can mix eucalyptus oil with olive, neem or coconut oil and rub it on your chest and throat for quick relief.

6) Laryngitis

(Viral inflammation of vocal cords, overuse from coughing, clearing throat or yelling, can be symptom of GERD)
Remedy: Sucking on garlic clove; steaming (with steamer or over the sink)

Why it works: Garlic contains Allicin, a natural anti-viral and antibacterial substance. Steam helps loosen up mucous from post nasal drip, and eases the sore muscles in the vocal cords.

• Place ½ clove in the recess of each cheek and suck for as long as tolerated.
• Fill sink with steaming hot water.
• Stand over it with towel draped over head and shoulders. • Keep adding hot water to keep steam rising.

7) Diarrhea

(Lower intestinal inflammation, typically viral. Can be food-borne, and also bacterial. Can result as secondary effect of taking antibiotics)
Yoghurt with active cultures.

Why it works: With frequent or large stools, bodies lose some of the naturally occurring digestive bacteria essential for processing nutrients and regulating gas. Active culture yoghurt replaces some of what is lost, and helps the gut restore its balance so nutrients can be digested more efficiently.

• Look for active culture yoghurt with Probiotics.

For more information on Dr. JJ Levenstein, visit

Winterizing Your Windows with Tanya Memme
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Winterizing Your Windows with Tanya Memme

How to Winterize Your Windows:


Start with a clean surface that is dry and free of old caulk or lint. Load the caulk gun. Run a thin bead of caulk down the seam between the windowpane and the glass. Keep even pressure on the caulk gun trigger. Go from start point to end point without pause. This, plus a steady hand, will ensure consistency in the beading. Smooth down your caulk line with the tip of your finger using even pressure.

  • Caulk Gun $3.99
  • Caulk $2.00

Peel and Stick Insulation Strips:

Start from one side and work your way to the end point. At the start of your strip partially peel the backing of the adhesive and adhere the strip to the surface. Work your way down, peeling adhesive backing as you continue to affix the strip to the surface. Once you reach your end point, cut the stripping with scissors.

  • Foam Insulation $40/roll

Window Film Insulation (This is a two-man job)

  1. Start with a clean and dry surface, free of lint. Avoid harsh cleaners, as they affect the ability of the film to adhere properly to the window. Cleaners with highly acidic PH will cause the film to crack and peel away. Use natural cleaners.
  2. One homemade cleaner takes 1 teaspoon of baby shampoo to 1 gallon of bottled water. This solution has the perfect PH, and you can use excess in the bath.
  3. Application Kits come separately from Insulation Film Rolls. The Application Kits should come with a squeegee, trimmer tool, lint cloth, and window film application solution.
  4. Cut the film 1 inch larger than the window to be covered. Peel the backing off of the film. If you have trouble starting the separation of the backing from the film use this simple trick: Place a piece of Scotch tape on each side of the film, leaving a part of the tape free from the film. These will act as tabs that you can pull away from one another, effectively separating the backing from the film. As you peel the backing off of the film spray the film with solution. This will help reduce curling of the film.
  5. Spray the window with a good layer of the Window Film Application Solution. You can also use the baby shampoo solution to spray the window and the back of the film insulation.
  6. Place the top edge of the film with an inch overlap extending all around the windowpane. Spray the outside of the film generously with the solution. Use the squeegee to smooth out all bubbles and cracks.
  7. Allow 30 minutes to 4 hours to dry completely for bond to take full effect. Remove excess trim with the sharp cutting tool provided in the kit, a utility knife, or XACTO knife. If you mess up, simply spray the film until saturated, peel off, and start again.
  • Window Film Insulation Roll $37.97
  • Application Kit $8.79

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Morgan Spiegel – Winterizing Your Plumbing
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Morgan Spiegel – Winterizing Your Plumbing

If you're going to be out of town for a while, shut off the water to the house and to the water heater, and drain the system. If possible blow air into the system to get all of the water out. This will prevent water freezing in the pipes, and expanding. Main thing I want to stress is: unless you are an expert – call your plumber. However, I’ve got some great ways to keep your pipes from freezing as well as what to do if they do freeze.

1. How to prevent frozen pipes
a. When first installing keep as much of the piping away from exterior walls and use properly insulate piping, with for example Thermacell/Armaflex.
b. Use special outdoors frost-free outside faucets.
c. Leave a faucet or multiple faucets at a slow drip to allow for the expansion of the water relief.

2. What if pipes freeze?
a. Locate shut off valve outside (If you don't know where this is; now is a great time to find out just in case anything else ever bursts or leaks). Shut off water.
b. Feel piping and try to locate the frozen section of piping. Freezing usually occurs in the fittings (or turns of the pipe) usually not in straight sections of pipe.
c. If piping is in a crawl space, or a basement, consider setting up a space heater to warm the air around the piping.
d. If you found exactly where the freezing occurred (always have a fire extinguisher around just in case), try:
i. Using a hair dryer, and pass over the piping back and forth slowly and patiently.
ii. A heat gun can be used for this. iii. Wrap warm, wet cloth around the pipes. e. When flow resumes, turn off all noise making appliances or items, and look and listen for possible breaks or leaks in the system.
f. Freezing usually occurs in crawl spaces, not underground piping.

3. What to do if pipes burst!
a. This is what a pipe will look like if it's burst, and you'll probably notice the water everywhere, too!
b. Immediately locate shut off valve, and turn it off. Turn off the water heater. If shut off does not work, call local water supplier and have them come out to shut off the water.
c. Make sure to clear a workspace around the pipes for the plumber.

Check out "Morganized" Plumbing here:

DIY Indoor Winter fun for kids
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DIY Indoor Winter fun for kids

Materials for DIY Elephant Toothpaste

  • Plastic bottle
  • Funnel
  • Food coloring
  • Dish soap
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Active dry yeast
  • Large tray

Materials for DIY Milk Art:

  • Plate
  • Milk (2% or higher)
  • Food coloring
  • Dish soap

Materials for Rainbow in a Jar:

  • Lamp oil
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Vegetable oil
  • Water
  • Dawn dish soap
  • Light corn syrup
  • Honey

Directions for elephant toothpaste:

  1. In bottle, mix 2 cups hydrogen peroxide, 1 teaspoon dish soap, 20 drops food coloring
  2. Place bottle in tray to protect surface you’re working on.
  3. In smaller bowl, mix 2 tablespoons yeast and 6 tablespoons warm water. Let sit for 2 minutes.
  4. Pour yeast mixture into bottle and watch explode!

Directions for milk art:

  1. Fill a plate with a thin layer of milk.
  2. Add drops of food coloring.
  3. Watch the milk react to the dish soap, creating art.
  4. Add more drops of dish soap for added effect.

Directions for rainbow in a jar:

  1. In order: Add honey, corn syrup, dish soap, water, vegetable oil, rubbing alcohol, lamp oil

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Tweet momtrepreneur and lifestyle expert Tanya Memme @Tanya_Memme. Also, visit her on Facebook and check out

Check out TV personality and country singer Matt Rogers at Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Get more great recipes and crafts by visiting us on Pinterest at and follow "Home & Family" on Twitter @homeandfamilytv and Facebook. Plus, check out our YouTube channel for backstage videos.

Safe Snow Shoveling with Heather Devito
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Safe Snow Shoveling with Heather Devito
Snow Shoveling Tips: Statistics:
• 11,000 trips to the emergency room each year due to improper snow shoveling.
• Americans spend 30min – 2 hours shoveling snow

Top reason’s why people hurt their backs shoveling:
  1. Over exertion – The cold can prevent you from being able to tell that you are overheating. People can easily over heat and heart attacks are common during snow shoveling because the cold tricks us into thinking that we are not exerting the energy we are actually exerting. Heart attacks increase by 36% during the winter months. So, stay hydrated, pace yourself, and pay attention to what your body is telling you.
  2. Hunching – One of the biggest mistakes is that people hunch over and bend over using their back instead of hips to get lower to ground. This causes flexion of the lumbar vertebrae, which can lead to injury.
  3. Lifting too much – Lifting more than you can handle can also lead to injury. Add a twist to you throwing the snow off of the shovel, and this can further result in injury.

Possible consequences to shoveling improperly:

  1. Painful and expensive surgery - 10’s of thousands of dollars.
  2. Long term pain and restricted motion.
  3. Herniated disc – Where a tear in the outer ring of a disc allows the soft portion to bulge out beyond the damaged outer rings.
  4. Muscle pull (strain) – muscle fiber tears due to over stretching.
  5. Ligament sprain – ligament fiber tears due to over stretching.

Special tools we can use:
Ergonomic Snow Shovel (, $39.00), and a "Push Shovel" ( $29.00).

How to shovel snow correctly:

  1. Engage your spinal stabilizers, A.K.A. your core muscles before doing ANY activity, but especially before pushing, pulling and lifting heavy objects. You do this by tightening the abdominals and squeeze your butt muscles.
  2. Bend at the hips, knees and ankles, NOT the back. Keep your back straight.
  3. Don’t overload the shovel, lift only what you can handle. GET LOW to lift and lift with you legs.
  4. Turn your whole upper body to throw the snow from the shovel; don’t twist.

Extreme Cold Weather Emergency Preparedness for Your Car
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Extreme Cold Weather Emergency Preparedness for Your Car

Preparing Your Vehicle For Winter Driving:

Have a mechanic check the following items on your car
• Battery
• Antifreeze
• Wipers and windshield washer fluid
• Ignition system
• Thermostat
• Lights
• Flashing hazard lights
• Exhaust system
• Heater
• Brakes
• Defroster
• Oil level (if necessary, replace existing oil with a winter grade oil or the SAE 10w/30 weight variety)

Install good winter tires
• Make sure the tires have adequate tread. All-weather radials are usually adequate for most winter conditions. However, some jurisdictions require that to drive on their roads, vehicles must be equipped with chains or snow tires with studs.

What To Do If Trapped In Your Car During A Blizzard:

  1. Have a go kit in your car.
    It should contain warm clothing, blanket, shoes, no perishable food/snacks, water, radio and batteries.
  2. Stay in the car.
    Do not leave the car to search for assistance unless help is visible within 100 yards. You may become disoriented and lost in blowing and drifting snow.
  3. Display a trouble sign.
    Hang a brightly colored cloth on the radio antenna and raise the hood.
  4. Occasionally run engine to keep warm.
    Turn on the car's engine for about 10 minutes each hour. Run the heater when the car is running. Also, turn on the car's dome light when the car is running.
  5. Beware of carbon monoxide poisoning.
    Keep the exhaust pipe clear of snow, and open a downwind window slightly for ventilation.
  6. Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.
  7. Do minor exercises to keep up circulation.
  8. Clap hands and move arms and legs occasionally.
    Try not to stay in one position for too long. If more than one person is in the car, take turns sleeping.
  9. For warmth, huddle together.
  10. Use newspapers, maps, and even the removable car mats for added insulation.
  11. Avoid overexertion.
    Cold weather puts an added strain on the heart. Unaccustomed exercise such as shoveling snow or pushing a car can bring on a heart attack or make other medical conditions worse. Be aware of symptoms of dehydration.

What Should You Have in Your Go Kit:

  • Food
  • Water
  • First Aid Kit
  • Blanket
  • Flashlight w/ Batteries
  • Portable radio with weather band channels
  • Window breaker / seat belt cutter
  • Hand warmers
  • Beanie Gloves
  • Personal anti freeze
  • Ice scraper
  • Jumper cables
  • Road flares

Learn how to prepare you care for extreme weather here:

Find out how to create your own auto kit here:

Ken Wingard's DIY Winter Bird Feed Cookies
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Ken Wingard's DIY Winter Bird Feed Cookies


  • Beef Suet or Lard
  • Bird Seed
  • Cookie forms (solid bottoms)
  • Microwave
  • Microwave safe bowl
  • Spoon
  • Waxed Paper
  • Decoration - Ribbon


  1. Melt the suet or lard
  2. Pour the bird seed into the melted fat and stir
  3. Ladle the batter into the cookie forms
  4. Let set (refrigerating will help them set more quickly)
  5. Remove from cookie molds
  6. Make a hole and thread ribbon through

Visit Ken Wingard at and follow him on Twitter @KennethWingard.

Get more great recipes and crafts by visiting us on Pinterest at and follow "Home & Family" on Twitter @homeandfamilytv and Facebook. Plus, check out our YouTube channel for backstage videos.

DIY Winter Trampoline Oasis with Paige Hemmis
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DIY Winter Trampoline Oasis with Paige Hemmis


  • Trampoline from your backyard
  • 5-6 pool noodles- $1-$2/per noodle (to cut and place around metal on trampoline)
  • Foam padding for base over trampoline bed- $10
  • Blankets/comforters/sheets from your own home to hide trampoline legs
  • Pillows from your own home
  • Christmas lights from your home
  • Linen netting to hang from the ceiling- $20-$25
  • Hook to hang net from ceiling


  1. Dis-assemble backyard trampoline (or carry in house if you can fit it through the door).
  2. Re-assemble trampoline if necessary and place against a wall.
  3. Cut pool noodles down the middle with a pocket knife and place around outside of all metal on trampoline.
  4. Screw hook into the ceiling to hang mosquito netting, hang net over trampoline.
  5. Place padding or comforter in bottom of trampoline, cover with a sheet or table cloth that will drape over legs of trampoline.
  6. Place blankets and pillows on bed of trampoline to make comfy.
  7. String christmas lights around top of mosquito net for ambiance.
  8. Add any other personal touches like stuffed animals or your favorite body pillow to make the space your own.

Follow lifestyle design expert Paige Hemmis on Twitter @paigehemmis and check out her site

Get more great recipes and crafts by visiting us on Pinterest at and follow "Home & Family" on Twitter @homeandfamilytv and Facebook. Plus, check out our YouTube channel for backstage videos.

 Tanya Memme’s DIY Ice Wreath
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Tanya Memme’s DIY Ice Wreath


  • Circular pan, like a Bundt Cakepan
  • Decorative material: raspberries, cranberries, twigs, pine needles, orange slices, lemon slices and other festive things
  • Ribbon for hanging




  1. Place decoration items in bundt pan

  3. Fill with water

  5. Put in freezer overnight

  7. Remove ice from pan

  9. Put ribbon on

  11. Accessorize with bows, ornaments, etc

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Tweet momtrepreneur and lifestyle expert Tanya Memme @Tanya_Memme. Also, visit her on Facebook and check out

Get more great recipes and crafts by visiting us on Pinterest at and follow "Home & Family" on Twitter @homeandfamilytv and Facebook. Plus, check out our YouTube channel for backstage videos.

DIY Weighted Blanket
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DIY Weighted Blanket


  • Two square pieces of fabric equal in size
  • Scissors
  • Pins
  • Chalk
  • Sewing machine
  • Thread
  • Rice
  • Ziplock bags
  • Scale
DIY Weighted Blanket - Home & Family


1) Measure 2 pieces of material and cut to desired size

2) Line your two pieces of fabric together

3) Pin the boarders in place

4) Along the border, sew the fabric together on 3 sides. Leave one side open for stuffing

5) Flip inside out

6) Starting from the bottom sewed side and going towards the non-sewed side, create a vertical pocket template using a piece of chalk. The size of each pocket is determined by the size of your rice bags. Continue drawing these pockets equally across the blanket.

7) Use pins to keep the fabric from slipping and sew along the chalk lines to create your pockets.

8) Count how many pockets you created and pull out the same amount of ziplock bags. Fill these bags with rice and zip up bags securely. (You should decide the weight you want you blanket to be and use a scale to measure out the exact amount you want each bag to weigh.)

9) Slide one bag into each pocket

10) Sew a hem perpendicular to your pocket hems to secure bags in place so that you create a perfect square pocket filled with a bag of rice.

11) Repeat

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Check out more fun DIY projects at the Home & Family Pinterest Page

DIY Flower Power Boots
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DIY Flower Power Boots


  • Boots
  • Paint Pens
  • Stencils

1. Clean your boots

2. Use paint or 3d scribble paint

3. Use stencils if you can’t do free hand

4. Draw a vine connected to flowers

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Check out more fun DIY projects at the Home & Family Pinterest Page

DIY City Blocks
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DIY City Blocks


  • Chalkboard paint
  • Wood Pieces
  • Chalk
  • Saw
  • Brushes
  • Sandpaper

DIY City Blocks - Home & Familiy


1. Buy pre-cut shaped wood blocks or ask for scrap pieces at your local hardware store.

2. If needed cut wood to desired block shapes.

3. Sand all pieces so they are smooth to the touch.

4. Paint each piece with chalkboard paint.

5. Let dry for 8 hours.

6. Apply second coat of chalkboard paint.

7. Let dry for additional 8 hours.

8. Use colored chalk to create windows and doors.

9. Enjoy with your kids!

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Check out more fun DIY projects at the Home & Family Pinterest Page

DIY Goal Board for 2017
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DIY Goal Board for 2017


  • Multi-Purpose Sealer
  • Craft Twinkles Silver
  • Maxx Gloss Patent Leather 
  • Wood Panel
  • 2017 Wooden Letters
  • Clothespins
  • Paint Brush
  • Glitter Chipboard Letters
  • Twine

DIY Goal Board - Home & Family

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DIY Edible Playdough
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DIY Edible Playdough


  • 1/2 cup Corn starch 
  • 1/2 cup Rice cereal 
  • 1/4 cup (or one baby food jar) Puréed apple sauce 
  • 2 tablespoons Vegetable oil
  • Food coloring


1. Mix together dry ingredients (rice cereal & cornstarch)

2. Add wet ingredients (puréed apple sauce & vegetable oil)

3. Mix together with a spoon until dough gets chunky

4. Kneed dough with fingers

5. Start molding with your hands


Put play-do in ziplock bag and add 10-15 drops of food coloring, zip bag and mush around the Playdough inside the bag.

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DIY Breakfast-In-Bed Beanbag Tray
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DIY Breakfast-In-Bed Beanbag Tray


  • Plywood
  • Velvet
  • Beanbag beans
  • Glue
  • Jigsaw
  • Velcro


1) Take first piece of plywood and measure then trace out the holes you want to fit the cups, plates, sauces in (make sure you leave enough edge)

2) Cut out the holes using a jigsaw

3) Glue this piece to the second piece of plywood to create a base

4) For the beangag, fold teh velvet, glue around the edges but leave a gap for filling

5) Turn right way out then fill with beans

6) Glue the opening shut

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DIY Kids Craft Table
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DIY Kids Craft Table


  • Cabinets
  • White Paint
  • Ikea Stools
  • Baskets
  • 4x8 sheet of MDF
  • Circular Saw/Miter Saw/Table Saw
  • Lattice Strips 
  • Nail Gun
  • L Brackets
  • Paint roller and Tray
DIY Kids Desk for Two - Home & Family


Step 1 Use a pencil and tape measure to mark the size of top you want. Try and leave the length long enough so that two people can sit side-by-side in the middle of the table. Mine was 27”x81”.

Step 2 Cut 4x8 sheet of MDF using circular saw or hand saw to your measurements.

Step 3 Rip your lattice to the thickness of your MDF. The best look is 1”. It doesn’t matter if you only have 3/4” MDF because the 1” lattice will make your table top look thicker.

Step 4 Cut you lattice edging to length for each side of the table top and miter the corners at 45 degrees so that your corners are tight when you apply the lattice edging.

Step 5 Glue and nail the lattice all the way around the perimeter of the MDF top.

Step 6 Apply spackle or wood filler to cover nails and any gaps between the lattice and table top. Sand smooth when dry.

Step 7 Paint bottom cabinets and table top the same color.

Step 8 Once table top is positioned on bottom cabinets, attach two corner or L brackets underneath to both the table top and cabinets to keep top securely in place.

Various Options for cabinets and painting:

Use any two pieces of furniture for the base as long as they are both the same height and at a comfortable sitting height - usually between 28-30” high. If using metal filing cabinets, try using spray paint on the metal as it will give a more professional look.

For added protection to the table top, have a piece of glass cut to cover the entire surface. Spills will clean up effortlessly.

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DIY Eucalyptus and Pine Candles
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DIY Eucalyptus and Pine Candles

Ingredients for one bundle of 3 small tins candles:

  • 1.5 cups beeswax pellets
  • 3 mini tart tins
  • 3 wicks
  • 1 tsp Eucalyptus Essential oil
  • 1 tsp Pine Essential oil
  • Burlap ribbon
  • Sprigs of Eucalyptus, pine, or anything seasonal and pretty
DIY Holiday Candles - Home & Family


1. Heat the beeswax in a double boiler until it melts.

2. Meanwhile, cut each wick to about 1inch in length.

3. As wax is melting, dip the metal plate at the base of the candle wick into the wax, and then set it in the bottom of the tin. This will make it stick.

4. When wax has melted, remove from the heat, and add the essential oils (1 tsp of Eucalyptus and one of pine) to 1.5 cups of melted wax.

5. Carefully pour the wax into the tins.

6. Allow them to set up for about 2 hours.

7. Snip off wicks to about 1/8 inch.

8. Stack three tins together and bundle with burlap or Holiday ribbon, and decorate with anything that makes them look seasonal and gorgeous. I like to use sprigs of fresh Eucalyptus and Pine to reflect the oils I have used.

Get more ideas from Sophie at her website:

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Back Acne Spray Recipe
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Back Acne Spray Recipe


  • Aloe Vera Juice - 1 cup
  • Tea Tree Oil - ½ teaspoon
  • Apple Cider Vinegar w/mother - 1 teaspoon
  • Jojoba Oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Rose Water - 2 tablespoons

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Terrarium 2.0
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Terrarium 2.0


  • Glass Container
  • Gravel
  • Dry Moss
  • Activated Charcoal
  • Potting soil
  • Variety of plants
  • Living Moss
  • Any decorative items

DIY Terrarium 2.0 - Home & Family


1) Get a Glass Container (

2) Add Gravel

3) Add Dry Moss

4) Add Activated Charcoal

5) Add Potting Soil

6) Variety of Plants (keep consistent with the type of plant)

7) Add living moss

8) Add any decorating touches to make it your world

* All items can be purchased at your local garden store or any big box store.

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DIY Colorblock Sweaters
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DIY Colorblock Sweaters


  • 2 sweaters
  • Fabric glue or sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Scissors
  • Tacky spray (optional)


1. Take you main sweater and decide on placement.

2. Take your donor sweater and cut out patches to apply to your main sweater.

3. You want your donor sweater to either be bigger or the same size as your main sweater.

4. Lay out your patches on your main sweater to create the desired pattern.

5. If using fabric glue, apply glue to the edges and press into place.

6. If sewing, apply tacky spray to the back of your donor piece and lay into place.
Next use a needle and thread, or sewing machine to sew it into place.

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DIY Sweater Pillow
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DIY Sweater Pillow


  • Sweater
  • Interfacing
  • Pillow or stuffing

DIY Sweater Pillows - Home & Family


1) Line up pillow to sweater, use a fabric marker to draw lines round the shape of the pillow

2) Cut along markings. You can leave side seams if they are already there.

3) Cut 2 pieces of lightweight fusible interfacing the same size as sweater pieces.

4) Fuse the interfacing onto the wrong sides of the sweater with an iron over a damp cloth – both front and back.

5) Pin pieces inside out and mark a space to leave open for the filling or pillow form (unless using a sweater with buttons which are a ready made opening)

6) Sew around all sides but leave an opening on one side

7) Turn right side out and insert pillow or stuffing

8) Sew up the opening

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