Recap: You Get What You Give - Season 12 - Episode 2
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Elizabeth runs into Rosemary as she is trying to brainstorm a story for her radio news hour show. Elizabeth also encounters Allie, who says that she and Angela were supposed to review their book reports together, but Angela and Emily started talking about college next year. Allie doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life like Emily and Angela do. Elizabeth tells Allie that journeys don’t always start with the destination.
Elizabeth asks Nathan how the new recruit, Oliver, is doing, as they happen to see him knock over carts of food. Elizabeth thinks that the cadet in training needs some confidence and that a win might help him.
Rosemary looks for a story and learns of the comic book craze while at the mercantile. Kids rush in and ask Mr. Yost for the comic books, and Ned tells them that they have to pay for the comics. They don’t have any money, and Henry sees this and mentions that the boys could help Ned with some labor for him in exchange for comics. Ned agrees, just this one time.
Elizabeth struggles to get her students to focus on the Civics lesson at school instead of comic books. Elizabeth thinks that they need to go find other magical things and tells them to leave their comics and meet in front of the school.
Mike and Mei return from their honeymoon and greet everyone in town. They all ask how it was, and Mike and Mei say it was fun and that they saw a lot. Once everyone disperses, Mei and Mike wonder when to tell everyone that they got food poisoning, lost their bags and reservation, and had a bad time on their honeymoon. They leave to move Mei into Mike’s apartment where they’ll be living together.
At Lucas’s office, Edwin tells Lucas that his poll numbers are down. He thinks that the park is a good idea but that Lucas needs to get the “big 3” on board with the park if he wants to curry favor: urban, corporate and rural. Edwin says he can get the corporate vote for him in exchange for naming rights to the park. Lee asserts that the park is being named after his daughter, but Edwin says that he has an in with the Irwin Industrial family and thinks they should name the park after them. Lucas says he’s given Lee and Rosemary his word that the park will be named after Goldie.
Elizabeth takes her students to the a nearby park to interact with nature and get their heads out of the comic books. Her assignment for them is to discover why parks like this are important and what they can learn from nature.
Back at the park, Elizabeth and the students find animal tracks – one of them thinks it’s a wolf’s prints. Allie thinks maybe it’s a coyote or fox print, and she remembers there’s a dichotomous key for animals in the library that can help them. They’ll need to compare the prints to find out more, so Elizabeth suggests getting clay from the creek that they crossed to make a mold of the animal print.
In Capital City, Edwin brings in a Ms. Edie Martel from the Cattleman’s Association, who tells Lucas that she thinks there might be a problem with his national park. Ms. Martel relays that her late uncle used to own one of the ranches just south of where he wants to build and that Lucas’s proposed parkland provides access to a summer pasture. Edwin chimes in that it’s called shared use, and Ms. Martel continues that access to this pasture meant that ranchers could expand their herd. Lucas’s current plan would put an end to this shared use, so she suggests carving this out of his land. Edwin wants to find a compromise and asks Ms. Martel if they can count on a vote from the Cattleman’s Association if they agree. She tells them that this isn’t about politics, it’s about people – if these ranchers go out of business, hundreds of people lose their jobs, the cost of food will go up and Hope Valley’s businesses will suffer.
As Mei and Mike enter his apartment, they discover there’s been a water leak or a window left open that’s led to severe water damage while they were gone. Mei and Mike work to empty out Mike’s apartment after the water damage, squabbling over whose fault the water leak was. Mike insists he didn’t leave the windows open, and Mei tells him that it wasn’t her and that he’s being impossible.
In the hazelnut fields, Joseph wonders what Henry is going to do with all of the hazelnuts. Henry says that Minnie can take some for the café and other folks at businesses in town can have them. Joseph suggests Henry start a business to sell them. Henry is reticent and asks three kids walking by if they want to earn some comic book money by helping him.
At the saloon, Elizabeth excitedly shows Rosemary the sign she made her for her first radio hour. Rosemary gets upset and wants to postpone her show, but Elizabeth encourages her and asks how she normally finds stories for the paper. Rosemary says that she usually asks around or they just come to her, so Elizabeth tells her to just relax as it will come. Florence approaches them with the competing town’s paper with an article by Rosemary’s competition, calling her attempt at radio news absurd. Rosemary wonders if that reporter is right that news on the radio is a doomed endeavor. Toby runs by them and says they’re going to help Henry with the hazelnut harvest and in turn, be paid in comic books. Rosemary realizes then that the comic books are her story.
As Mei works, she catches up with Faith who reminds her that Mei and Mike have been through the ringer lately. Mei swears that Mike left the windows open letting the water in, and Faith asks Mei if she’s sure it wasn’t her. Mei says she’s absolutely certain. Meanwhile at the saloon, Mike and Bill discuss the same thing and Hickam says he’s absolutely sure it wasn’t him either. Bill says that there are no winners in a fight like this. Faith similarly tells Mei that her grandmother used to say that in marriage, you can be right or you can be happy. Mei agrees that maybe Faith is right.
Outside at the hazelnut fields, a record plays while all the kids help harvest and chop the hazelnuts with Henry and Joseph. Henry says that the music was Emily’s idea, as she read a review in a magazine that said that a relaxed workforce tends to be a more productive workforce. Joseph says the hazelnuts are the best he’s had and they need to find a place to sell them.
Everyone gathers for Rosemary’s radio hour at the saloon. She rushes to get settled and the show begins; Rosemary introduces herself as Ned runs the control board.
At the Mountie office, Nathan reviews Oliver’s work and tells him that he made interesting connections. Nathan asks Oliver to take on more work and he says he’s on it.
At the saloon on the radio hour, Rosemary interviews Faith, asking if she’s seen bad effects of comic books on the minds of kids. Faith says no, just young people reading with enthusiasm and curiosity. Rosemary then interviews Joseph, who says that he doesn’t see a problem with the comic books, and Minnie chimes in that as long as it’s not at the dinner table. Little Jack and another small child say that they love the comic books. They break for a cut to sponsors and Rosemary tells Elizabeth that there’s no conflict, drama or scandal. Rosemary says she needs a counterpoint and something controversial; Elizabeth has an idea and asks Ned to find Florence. Once Florence is on, she says that the comic book craze is absurd and preposterous, but by doing so, reveals that she is reading them as well.
At Lucas’s office, Lee is shocked to hear that Lucas is putting the park on hold. Lucas tells Lee that Ms. Martel made a solid argument about ranching which is a backbone industry. Lee believes that Lucas is bending to Edwin’s desires to push Lee out, and announces that he’s not spending any more time away from his family for this. Lee tells Lucas that politicians have to make tough choices and unless Lucas can stick to his word, none of his promises or grand visions are going to amount to anything. Lee tells them he’s going home to Hope Valley.
Mike shows up to Mei’s work and apologizes; so does Mei. He asks if she’s sorry that she married him since everything’s gone wrong since the wedding. Mei tells him that this is all a part of their story and they needed to fight to figure it out. They promise to laugh about it one day as Mei leads him out of the pharmacy.
Nathan reviews Oliver’s work at the Mountie office. Oliver enters and Nathan sees a can of beans in his hands; Nathan invites him to eat dinner with him to celebrate a job well done.
At Elizabeth’s, Bill rearranges the table with her as Nathan arrives with Oliver for their potluck dinner. Rosemary enters with Goldie bearing a pie, and Allie asks her dad why he invited Oliver. Nathan tells her to be nice, and Oliver and Allie share a look.
Mike and Mei walk in the fields together as she tells him that she thought the best place to make up would be where he proposed. Mei tells Mike that he should move in with her until they fix his apartment. Mike leads Mei to a little table he had set up in the field to eat at together, and they share a kiss.
In the hazelnut fields, Joseph approaches Henry and tells him that it’ll cost a fortune to shell and bag the hazelnuts, and he can’t keep giving them away for free or else he’ll go broke. Henry says he has everything he needs and wants to keep it simple. Joseph thinks the hazelnut business could be simple, and Henry asks if Joseph would do it together with him. Henry notes that he’ll keep an eye on Emily, since she’s sharp and she’ll be running the business in no time. Henry says he’ll do it if Joseph does it with him, and Joseph shakes his hand and says it’s a deal.
Back at Elizabeth’s house as she, Nathan and Bill clean up the dinner, they all mention how Rosemary has approached each of them with radio segment ideas already. They hear something outside and head out the door to see Allie, Oliver and little Jack playing tag. Bill joins them, and Elizabeth tells Nathan that she’s glad he brought Oliver. Elizabeth asks Nathan if he thinks he can make a Mountie out of Oliver, and Nathan in turn brings up how the students who have gone through her class have gone on to do great things because she didn’t give up on them. Elizabeth asks him if he thinks Oliver showed up on his doorstep for a reason, and he thinks maybe. Elizabeth tells Nathan that Oliver’s lucky to have him, and Nathan says he’s lucky to have her.