
Recap: Mom's the Word - Season 12 - Episode 5

Elizabeth develops a new method of teaching. Nathan goes undercover. A familiar face returns to Hope Valley with an unlucky heiress in tow. Lucas and Lee face their differences.
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Elizabeth realizes that her students are challenging her to learn alongside them, so she develops project-based learning and tells Nathan about it.

Rosemary and Bill question Jed at the newspaper office on why he didn’t come forward sooner about spending the rare gold coin at the mercantile. Jed tells them that he won it from a man named Toddy Davis, an estates dealer, at a poker game in Union City.

Nathan brings Elizabeth a sandwich that he made for her and helps her gather her supplies for school. He tells Elizabeth that he’ll be back later but that Allie has plans, and asks Elizabeth her opinion on Wyatt. Elizabeth says that he wasn’t her favorite student, and Nathan thinks that he’s out of his depth with this. He wonders if Elizabeth can speak to Allie for him about Wyatt, but she doesn’t think that it would be appropriate since she’s Allie’s teacher. Little Jack joins them and they head to the schoolhouse.

Lucas brings Rosemary a press release that he’d like to publish in the paper on the topic of the shared use of the land. Lucas inquires about Lee, and Rosemary thinks that Lucas should speak with Lee directly and not through a press release. Lucas takes the release back and leaves.

Elizabeth tells the students about her new project-based learning plan and how they’ll be spending more time outdoors; the students are excited to start.

At the Mountie office, Nathan tells Rosemary and Bill that headquarters confirmed that the gold coin spent at the mercantile came from the Great Rocky Mountain train robbery. He shows them his investigation board into the gold coins and Toddy Davis. Bill thinks that if they can find Toddy and find the gold, they can also catch the Garrison gang. Nathan asks Rosemary to keep this out of the press for now. They discuss going undercover at the poker game at the Union Club to get closer to Toddy, and Nathan thinks that he should be the one to do it.

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At the schoolhouse, the children leave to play but Elizabeth sees that little Jack is still inside. He tells her that he feels embarrassed that everyone laughed when he called her “Mama” earlier at school, so he says he’s going to call her “Mrs. Thornton” at school now. Oliver stops by to drop off his math homework to Elizabeth and he speaks with Allie about the maps she’s looking at. He offers to help as he has Mountie map training, so they look at them together.

As Fiona Miller drives, she comes across a distraught woman on the side of the road looking for a new start in Hope Valley. Shortly thereafter, Fiona comes into the saloon and greets Hickam, Elizabeth and little Jack. Fiona introduces the woman she picked up, an heiress named Ava, who says that all of her trunks were stolen from the train station when she arrived. Elizabeth notes that that is the exact same thing that happened to her when she first came to Hope Valley years ago. Ava tells Elizabeth that she read her book and it inspired her to come to Hope Valley from Baltimore and pursue teaching. Ava says she lost her money in the bag that was stolen, so they agree to cover her meal at the saloon for her.

Rosemary and Bill dress Nathan up for his undercover mission. They encourage Nathan to adopt a persona for this mission and they land on “Danny DeMarco,” a rare coin dealer.

Fiona greets Lucas at the saloon. Lee is dismayed to see a press release from Lucas on the counter that declares Lucas’s intent to agree to shared used of the land. Lucas asks Fiona to catch up later at the café. Hickam tells Fiona that Lee and Lucas have been icy like this with each other for weeks, and Joseph notes that it’s about their pride. Fiona thinks that Hickam and Joseph should meddle and help the two of them figure this out.

Ava orders food at the saloon and promises to pay Elizabeth back when her parents get to town soon. Elizabeth invites Ava to shadow her classroom if she’d like. They run into Nathan, who encourages Ava to fill out a report about her luggage theft. Nathan thinks it’s quite the coincidence how Ava’s experience aligns with Elizabeth’s. Nathan asks Elizabeth to have Allie stay with her while he’s gone on the undercover assignment.

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Fiona greets Faith and Mei at the apartment. She tells them how the owner of the salon offered to split the profits of the sale if she sells the salon for him. She wants to do so and then get set up in San Francisco to continue her work with the suffragettes. She intends to marry a man who has asked her to get married twice before, and Faith and Mei congratulate her.

Wyatt seemingly hits on Ava at the saloon as Elizabeth watches on. Elizabeth approaches Wyatt and brings up how Allie really enjoyed dancing with him at the party; he brushes it off. Ava and Elizabeth leave to head to the stream for her outside lesson with the class today.

Hickam and Lucas ride horses to the stream together as Lee and Joseph ride up on horses, too. Joseph and Hickam take Lucas and Lee’s horses, and leave the two of them out in the woods without transportation.

As Elizabeth encourages her students to observe as they walk in nature, Ava chats with the teens, relaying how she could only ever focus on boys when she was in school. Elizabeth tells her students about the Greeks’ “golden ratio,” and encourages them to look for patterns in nature. When Ava steps in poison oak, Emily leads her back in town to the doctor’s office.

Elizabeth checks in on Ava at the doctor’s office. She tells Ava that if she’s looking for a place to start over, Hope Valley is a good spot to do it. Elizabeth offers to talk about anything with Ava any time, and Ava thanks her for her kindness.

Elizabeth enters the schoolhouse and asks to speak with Allie about Wyatt before she leaves. Elizabeth thinks that she and Wyatt might like each other in different ways, and Allie thinks that Elizabeth’s been talking about this with her dad. Allie says she doesn’t know what her dad or Elizabeth have against Wyatt.

As Nathan prepares to leave for his undercover Mountie mission, Elizabeth tells him that he looks handsome in his suit and to be safe. Later, while undercover, Nathan observes men playing poker and soon joins in on one of the poker games.

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As Lucas and Lee walk, Lee expresses his anger over the parkland becoming trampled on by animals due to shared used. Lucas asks why Lee is so angry, and Lee tells him how he was hurt that Edwin pushed him out and shrunk the park. They both agree that they could be better friends to one another.

At the poker game, Nathan loses to a suited man on his left who asks what his name is. Nathan tells the man that he isn’t there to make friends.

At the saloon, Hickam asks Ava how long she plans to stay as the rooms are booking up. She offers to work to pay for her room and board and Mike agrees. He tells Fiona that Ava’s bill at the saloon is really stacking up. Rosemary enters looking for Lee, who arrives then with Lucas. Lucas and Lee hug, and Mike and Joseph tell Fiona they did a little meddling to help their friendship.

As Rosemary and Elizabeth watch Goldie and little Jack, Rosemary can’t believe that she hasn’t met the new heiress – Ava – who rolled into town. Elizabeth notes that Ava is sweet but seems lost, and Elizabeth sees herself in her. Elizabeth wishes she could go back in time and give her younger self advice. She worries that she botched things talking with Allie about unrequited love with Wyatt. Elizabeth tells Rosemary how she felt protective and didn’t want to see Allie get hurt, and Nathan asked her to speak with Allie. Rosemary encourages Elizabeth to take cues from Allie to feel out how much of a mother or mother-figure she needs.

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Outside of the saloon, Allie asks Wyatt if he would like to go on a picnic with her. He says that he isn’t that much of a picnic guy, so she says that they could go on a walk instead. Wyatt tells Allie that she’s sweet, but she isn’t exactly his speed, and that he’ll see her around.

Allie comes to Elizabeth’s for dinner with her and little Jack. Elizabeth notices Allie’s face and asks if everything is all right; Allie says yes.

At the poker game, Nathan speaks with the suited man from earlier: Toddy Davis. They discuss rare items like coins, stamps, pins, and watches and how they both like to collect. Toddy gives Nathan his card and tells him to look him up sometime as maybe they can do business; Nathan says he just might do that.

Elizabeth joins Allie on the porch at night as she plays guitar. She apologizes to Allie for overstepping about Wyatt earlier, but Allie tells her that she was right as he rejected her ask to go on a date. Elizabeth tells Allie that sometimes people don’t know what they want, but she will get over this in time. She might not forget it, but that’s a good thing, because when the right one comes along she will know the difference. Elizabeth tells Allie that her mom taught her that, and that they had a saying: “this too shall pass.” Allie tells Elizabeth that if she were little Jack, she’d call her “Mom” all the time. Elizabeth tells Allie that she can think of her any way that she wants. She asks Allie if at home, she wants to call her “Elizabeth,” and they both agree that they like the sound of that.