
Recap: Life is But a Dream - Season 10 - Episode 5

Rosemary and Lee are still adjusting to parenthood. Lucas reveals the surprise he's been working on to Elizabeth. Nathan has a camping trip planned for just him and Allie.

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Bill enters the saloon and sits across from Madeline St. John to enjoy a coffee in their usual booth. As Jamie sets off for school, they banter about her desire to purchase land.

At home, Rosemary and Lee fawn over their sleeping newborn. They frantically tidy up to greet Molly, Florence, Minnie, and Elizabeth, who bring over food and learn the baby has yet to be named.

Elizabeth approaches Henry, who’s working near the schoolhouse. In good spirits, Henry agrees to build garden boxes for a science project, only to realize the schoolchildren will be joining him.

At the schoolhouse, Elizabeth announces they’ll be tracking their plant seedlings’ growth. Sarah has a concern and worries whether her seedling will be safe.

After class, Elizabeth steps outside to find Nathan and Scout. She learns that Nathan and Allie are planning a camping trip, and Nathan confides to Elizabeth he’s nervous for the one-on-one adventure. Allie approaches, asking to invite Angela, and Nathan enthusiastically agrees.

At Fiona’s salon, Faith tries Mei’s clay mask. Mei shares that it’s her grandmother’s formula, before a curious passerby books an appointment.

At home, Angela asks permission to join Allie and Nathan on their trip. When her parents are reluctant, Angela asks her father to join them, but he says he has a lot of work. Angela pleads and they finally allow her to go if she finishes her homework. Minnie urges Joseph to consider accompanying them.

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Back at the saloon, while playing poker with Mike and Bill, Lucas reveals his secret plan to build Elizabeth a house. They suggest he check with Elizabeth rather than surprise her.

Elizabeth and Lucas bring dinner by and check on an exhausted Rosemary and Lee. Lucas offers to set up a nice meal for them at the saloon. Rosemary insists that Elizabeth and Lucas have a date night instead while she and Lee babysit Little Jack, before ushering them out the door.

Bill visits Nathan’s post and vents about Madeline’s campaign to buy land in Hope Valley. Nathan points out that Bill has been trying to sell his land, but Bill protests he can’t sell to a stranger. Nathan challenges Bill, noting he and Madeline have been enjoying daily coffees together, so surely, they aren’t strangers. Bill continues to protest that it is only because she sits in his booth.

The next morning, Elizabeth gathers the children to work with Henry on their garden. Henry demonstrates how to hammer, and Toby jumps in to try for himself.

At the mercantile, Madeline is on the phone with her mystery caller, requesting she be given more time, clearly disappointed by what she hears.

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At the salon, the new customer tries Mei’s clay mask and wants to know more about it. To Fiona and Faith’s confusion, Mei claims she concocted the recipe using her pharmacology knowledge instead of sharing that it was inspired by her grandmother.

Outside, Henry and the children make quick work of their garden boxes. To Elizabeth’s surprise, Henry agrees to return on a Saturday to plant their seedlings with them.

Back at the saloon, Madeline tells Mike she urgently needs to purchase property. Bill informs her about a piece of land, but it doesn’t have a stream. She tells him that if there’s no stream, it won’t work. She rejects the offer.

Joseph catches up to Allie, Angela, and Nathan as they find a place to set up camp. They are all excited that he decided to join.

At home, Elizabeth and Lucas sit beside Little Jack as he draws a castle. Elizabeth readies Little Jack to stay with Lee and Rosemary, and Lucas encourages her to dress up for their date night.

In the woods, Nathan and Joseph set up camp while Allie and Angela adventure together. Nathan expresses how much Allie appreciates her friendship with Angela, and Joseph is relieved that Angela has made such a good friend. They share that both girls have had trouble making friends in the past.

At home, Rosemary rocks the baby while Lee reads and Little Jack draws. Lee gets up for diaper change duty, and Little Jack shares his drawings with Rosemary. He drew a flower for his mother Elizabeth, and he then offers to give another drawing to Rosemary for her mother. She glances away, forlorn.

Highlight - An Evening Out - When Calls the Heart

Elizabeth finds Lucas waiting for her outside the saloon, which he closed for “a private event.” Mike serves them champagne, and Lucas shares his desire to build Elizabeth a grand home. They share a dance.

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In the morning, Henry finds the children eagerly waiting for him, ready to plant their seedlings. Elizabeth notices Sarah sitting alone with her head hanging down. Elizabeth approaches to comfort Sarah, who shares she doesn’t want to leave her plant behind because it will miss her if she must leave Hope Valley. Elizabeth assumes she will miss her pumpkin too, but Elizabeth assures her she won’t be leaving for a long while. Henry comforts Sarah and helps her to plant her seedling.

Lakeside, Allie shares a poem with Angela, and Angela strums her ukulele and admits to singing when she’s alone. They make a pinky promise to each other to both share their talents publicly.

Highlight - Let It Shine - When Calls the Heart

Elizabeth finds Rosemary asleep over her laundry pile and suggests Rosemary join Lee for a nap while she watches over the baby. When they awaken, Rosemary and Lee find a note from Elizabeth inviting them over for tea.

Bill finds Jamie sitting by luggage in the saloon. Jamie sadly shares that they’re leaving since they can’t find land, and Bill offers to sell Madeline his property. She accepts his offer with a lingering handshake.

Caring for the baby, Elizabeth and Lucas welcome Lee and Rosemary into the house, where they have prepared a sit-down dinner.

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Highlight - My Grandmother's Recipes - When Calls the Heart

At the café, Fiona helps Mei with dishes and asks why she lied about the clay mask’s origins. Mei shyly shares that it is complicated, but it is much simpler to credit her pharmacy training than her grandmother’s recipes from China. Since she’s never been there, she has always felt like a stranger to her own culture. If tourists find out where the recipe is from, they might have more questions and Mei is nervous she won’t know the answers or that they will judge her Chinese heritage. Plus, she has been conditioned to assimilate, even though she feels comfortable with her friends in Hope Valley. Fiona encourages her to embrace her ancestry.

At Elizabeth’s, Rosemary and Lee enjoy tea with their friends and admit they should ask for help more often. Lee commemorates the close bond they all share.

Allie and Angela rejoin their dads at camp. To each other’s surprise, Angela volunteers Allie to submit her poem in a contest, and Allie makes Angela sing for them. Joseph looks on in admiration before telling Angela she sounds just like her mom.

Once Rosemary and Lee leave, Elizabeth admits she doesn’t want Lucas to build a new house. She worries it wouldn’t feel like home without her community nearby, and Lucas gracefully accepts her boundary.

Nathan, Joseph, Allie, and Angela sing together on their way back into town.

At the ice cream shop with Fiona and Faith, Mei reveals she plans to name the clay mask after her grandmother. A young woman walks in and notices the label design for the clay masks and inquiries about them. This time, Mei is confident to give the right details about the product.

By the school, Elizabeth welcomes Nathan back with a muffin before stopping by Rosemary’s to check in. She shares that she turned down Lucas’ plan to build them a house, and Rosemary hugs her, relieved.