Recap: Dancing Teens - Season 12 - Episode 4
Elizabeth helps Allie plan a birthday dance, and Nathan struggles with Allie growing up. Rosemary and Bill team up again to investigate a train robbery. Lucas lends Edie a hand.
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At the saloon, Bill speaks with Lee and Lucas one at a time separately about compromising on shared use of the park land, but neither want to acquiesce.
At the schoolhouse, Allie and the girls excitedly look at Allie’s dance birthday party invites. Elizabeth tells them they can use the schoolhouse to practice, and she’d be happy to teach them dances. They want to learn newer dances like the Charleston and the shimmy, and Elizabeth agrees to teach them. Allie asks Mrs. Thornton not to tell Nathan about the dance party.
Allie and Emily pick up a new dress that Allie had shipped to the mercantile for her birthday party. They tell Florence and Molly that the dance party is a secret, and Florence and Molly wonder why.
At Nathan’s house, Rosemary and Bill bring up the unsolved Great Train Robbery case that they intend to investigate further. Nathan tells them to take the lead on it and not raise any flags at this time, and Rosemary and Bill come up with a plan to work as a team. Nathan says he will pull the Garrison files and see if there’s any connection to this one, as they suggest.
At the café, Cooper and Toby tell Joseph and Minnie that the dance is only for teens and that they aren’t invited, even though they are 13. Angela mentions that they want to do partner dances, and Toby and Cooper agree they’re not going. After Angela departs, Joseph and Minnie worry that Angela hasn’t been to anything like this before, and Joseph wonders if he should teach Angela a few dances.
Allie, Emily, and Opal go to the saloon for lunch because Wyatt is working. Emily beckons Wyatt over and Opal invites him to Allie’s birthday dance on Sunday. He says it’s the talk of the town and that it could be fun. Allie realizes that Nathan is bound to find out if it’s the talk of the town and she leaves to find him. She runs into Oliver on her way out and invites him to the dance party.
At the mercantile, Rosemary asks Ned and Florence who they remember stopping by the other day, as she and bill are trying to discern who could have spent the coin. Bill reviews the ledger and they see three $1 purchases, all for hazelnuts, which narrows their search.
Elizabeth runs into Angela in the library. Angela is not excited about the dance and Elizabeth asks what’s wrong. Angela doesn’t feel like anyone understands what it’s like to be blind, and Elizabeth believes that that must be very isolating.
Nathan comes across Lee in town, who relays that they’d be happy to lend Allie the saloon for her big birthday party on Sunday, but Nathan doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
At Elizabeth’s house, she practices the steps of dances she promised to teach the teens. Rosemary asks what this is about and Elizabeth reveals that she wants to impress Allie a little. Rosemary helps Elizabeth with how to learn the dances.
At the Canfield's, Joseph helps Angela learn a few dance steps.
Nathan enters his house to see Allie and dance supplies. He says he has a problem with secrets and Allie thinks he doesn’t want her to grow up. Nathan doesn’t think Allie can handle the responsibility of this. Elizabeth enters and Allie says her dad doesn’t trust her, so Elizabeth pushes for a compromise by offering her and Nathan to chaperone the dance. Allie agrees and shows them the dress she picked for the party. Elizabeth tells Nathan that she is in over her head with the dances.
At the salon, Mei teaches Elizabeth and Rosemary how to dance the Charleston and all three of them dance together. Later at the schoolhouse, Elizabeth teaches the teens how to dance the Charleston.
At the café, Elizabeth gives Angela the book, “The Story of my Life” by Helen Keller. Elizabeth hopes the words can help Angela, even though it isn’t the same as meeting someone blind like her in real life.
Lucas runs into Edie Martel on her ranch land as he wanted to see the land for himself. She offers to show him around. As they ride their horses through her family’s land, she tells him how much the land meant to her uncle, and how much it means to her.
Nathan meets Elizabeth at the schoolhouse and asks her to show him some of her dance moves. As they dance she tells him how proud she is of how he’s handling Allie growing up. Nathan tells Elizabeth how he didn’t realize that Allie’s last scavenger hunt would be their last, but he couldn’t be happier for her.
At the saloon, Molly tells Rosemary that they have to do something about the dance, but Rosemary thinks it’s fantastic. Bill joins them and asks Molly about the gold coin she used to buy hazelnuts at the mercantile the other day. She doesn’t know what they’re speaking of and says she didn’t spend a gold coin on nuts, but Jed takes notice nearby.
At the hazelnut farm, Joseph tells Henry that he feels like he let Angela down. Henry tells Joseph to try to just listen to Angela, instead of giving words of wisdom.
Molly sees kids dancing in town to music and heads into Lee’s office. She asks Lee to cancel the dance because it’s scandalous, and she calls a meeting about it to hear people’s concerns.
The teens get Elizabeth to help them as townspeople make their pleas to Lee. Elizabeth and Nathan defend the teens, and they and other adults commit to chaperoning; the dance remains.
At the Canfield's, Joseph tells Angela he’s sorry for not listening to her the other night. Angela wants to meet other blind people and that’s why she wants to go to a college for the blind. They both apologize and say they love one another. Angela teaches Joseph the Charleston that she learned.
Allie struggles to do her hair for the dance. Elizabeth enters wishing her a happy birthday and gives her a gift. She offers to help with Allie’s hair, and Allie thanks her for teaching them the dances. She tells Elizabeth that she has a crush on someone, and that she hopes the dance impresses him. Elizabeth promises not to tell Nathan.
Lucas sees Edie leaving town and she tells him that a calf got out; Lucas offers to help her wrangle it. They ride their horses to the calf that got out and work together to lasso it. Lucas notices Edie’s ring must have fallen off, and she reveals that she was engaged, but she isn’t anymore and only kept the ring on to put off male suitors.
As Allie’s party starts, she wonders to Nathan and Elizabeth where everybody is. Opal plays the music as more people arrive. Oliver starts dancing alone and soon Allie and others join in. Minnie, Joseph, Nathan and Elizabeth watch on in happiness at the teens enjoying themselves.
Molly asks Jed to dance outside. As they dance, he tells her that he bought those hazelnuts at the mercantile with the gold coin.
Oliver approaches Allie at the dance with a present, but before he can reach her, Allie greets Wyatt, who gives her flowers. Allie asks Wyatt to dance. Elizabeth and Nathan observe and remark to one another that Allie is very happy, thanks to the both of them.