
Recap: All That Glitters - Season 12 - Episode 3

Elizabeth and Nathan uncover Oliver's secret, and Rosemary worries Lee has a secret of his own. Allie's interest is piqued when Earl Wyatt returns to town.

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At the saloon over the microphone, Toby introduces the “Kid’s Minute” radio hour and their topic of the week: “kid ventures.” The children have been working at the Hope Valley Hazelnut Company for comic book money, and Toby says everyone in town loves the nuts. Jed and Molly watch the kids from Jed’s Grove Assorted Nuts in dismay.

Allie tells Nathan that this year for her 17th birthday, she wants it to just be the kids for her birthday. She suggests that Nathan and Mrs. Thornton go on a real date alone.

Nathan and Elizabeth head into his office and run into Oliver. Oliver says that his written report is on Nathan’s desk, and he leaves to work in the stables. Nathan sees that Oliver’s summary of the case file is riddled with spelling and grammar issues and he tells Elizabeth that it would be a flunk. Elizabeth looks and agrees that Oliver could use some formal instruction. She offers to help and tells Nathan to have Oliver come by the school tomorrow.

At the mercantile, Molly notes to Florence how Henry is practically giving the hazelnuts that he’s selling away and leaves in a huff. Ned finds a rare double-headed eagle coin from 1906 at the register and Rosemary overhears. She thinks that it could make a fun human-interest story for the paper to try to find the person who spent the coin so they can claim it.

In Capital City in Lucas’s office, Edwin tells Lucas that he believes that Ms. Edie Martel has attempted to lock up Lucas’s votes and diminish the park size. Edwin also shares with Lucas that the Jeanette Aucoin trial has been moved up to tomorrow and due to the press around this, Edwin suggests that Lucas leave town for a bit. Lucas doesn’t think that’s necessary, but Edwin says reporters are lining up outside to talk to him. Lucas is barraged with reporters and manages to slam the door back shut and sneak out the back.

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Oliver stops by the school to see Elizabeth, who relays that she and Nathan were wondering if he wanted some help with his writing skills. He says yes, and Elizabeth asks about what classes and schooling he’s had in the past. He tells her that he went to Briarcliff School in Hamilton.

In town as Rosemary walks by the café, Bill mentions to her that the new will that Lee had him draw up is ready if Lee wants to stop by for it, but Rosemary asks him what he’s talking about. Bill realizes that Lee must not have told Rosemary about it and runs off in a hurry, asking her not to mention it.

At the saloon, Joseph asks Lee what he’s up to as he sees kids carrying boxes with supplies into a back room. Lee tells them it’s just a “thing” he’s working on, and follows after the kids to the back office. Hickam mentions to Joseph how if anyone mentions Lucas, the park, or Capital City to Lee, he glowers.

As Lucas reads the paper on the train, Edie Martel joins him since other seats are full. He expresses his frustrations that her efforts have reduced his park plan significantly. She apologizes for unintended consequences and thinks that they can find a compromise. Lucas laughs at her offer of compromise and notes that she isn’t fooling him. Edie brings up his sordid gangster past, and Lucas suggests the two of them keep away from one another. However, she reveals that that won’t work as she is headed to her Uncle Ernie’s ranch in Hope Valley.

In town, Dr. Carter tells Rosemary to tell Lee that he can come in anytime and they can screen him. She asks Faith why Lee would come in, and Faith realizes that Lee didn’t tell her anything. Faith sneaks away as she asks Rosemary not to mention to Lee that she said anything.

At her house, Elizabeth makes a call to someone she knows from teacher’s college who used to work at Briarcliff School in Hamilton. In talking with her, she realizes that the school has been closed for a while and Oliver couldn’t have gone there.

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As Allie and Opal walk and plan Allie’s birthday party, Earl Wyatt rides his bike and stops to talk with them. He tells Allie that he likes her pigtails, and she asks what brings him back to town. He says he’s back as his dad works for the railroad; he mentions he’s looking for a job, if they know of anything.

Lucas enters the saloon and greets Bill, Hickam and Lee at the bar. As Lucas heads into his office, he realizes that Hickam and Lee have been allowing Henry to store his hazelnuts in there. As Lee departs, he confirms the plan with Hickam and tells him that if anyone asks where he is, mum’s the word.

Elizabeth runs into Oliver reading at the library. She tells him how she learned that Briarcliff School closed five years ago, and Oliver reveals he didn’t go to school anywhere. She tells him that a lot of people don’t finish school for a variety of reasons. She asks if he wants to talk about it, and he says he’s never had an adult or teacher he could trust before. She tells him they can figure it out together and to share the story with her.

Lee packs a bag full of items as Rosemary enters the office and asks to speak with him. He says he’d love to but he’s on his way somewhere; he scurries out the door. Rosemary follows him asking to talk but he gets away quickly.

Rosemary sneaks into the back of the mercantile with Elizabeth and they hide behind the shelves to spy on Lee. As Ned gives Lee bear bells, Lee tells Ned he’s headed up north to do some trailblazing. Rosemary and Elizabeth watch Lee go somewhere on his bike. Moments later, they see Hickam leave on a bike with a backpack as well.

At the Mountie office, Nathan sees Oliver and asks why he isn’t with Mrs. Thornton. He tells Nathan that he did go see her, and he hands Nathan a note that says he is resigning. Oliver tells Nathan he’ll finish his duties today and leave first thing tomorrow.

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In the woods, Mike and Lee make their way to a clearing and Lee starts working on something. Rosemary and Elizabeth follow close behind them, hiding behind a tree in a disguise. Rosemary and Elizabeth try to inch closer to them and Mike sees the leaves rustle; he thinks that there is a bear and rings the bear bells. Elizabeth and Rosemary run out screaming as they think there is a bear. They reveal that they followed them because they wanted to know what’s going on, and Hickam blurts out that Lee wanted to find and name a trail after Goldie since Lucas ruined the park plan. Lee reveals the sign that says “Goldie Trail.” Elizabeth and Hickam leave to give Lee and Rosemary a moment together. Lee was hoping Lucas might change his mind before Rosemary knew, but he didn’t so Lee was rushing. He also assures her that the will and doctor’s appointments were just routine things.

At the Mountie office, Elizabeth tells Nathan that Oliver revealed to her that he lied about Briarcliff, but it was only to get into the Mountie program. Nathan says that he has a responsibility to report this, but Elizabeth says they have a responsibility to hear Oliver’s side of the story.

At the saloon, Mike tells Mei how he feels caught in the middle of his two closest friends in the rift between Lucas and Lee. A jazz song comes on and Mei and Mike dance the Charleston, and Earl Wyatt - who is working at the saloon now - joins in too. The teens watch Wyatt dance and Allie suggests having a dance party for her birthday.

At the Mountie office, Nathan tells Bill about how Oliver lied. Nathan relays that he likes Oliver and believes he does good work, but feels torn on whether to report it. Bill tells Nathan that he only needs to tell his superior office what is necessary, and if he believes Oliver’s doing good work and deserves to be there, Nathan should relay that in his report and go talk to Oliver. As he leaves, Bill grabs a case file from the case drawer.

Nathan visits Elizabeth at the school and tells her that the lesson plan she made for Oliver is perfect. They tell each other that they love one another.

In town at the café, Lucas works at a table and thanks Minnie for letting him set up shop there while his office is occupied. She asks Lucas if he can share a table during the dinner rush, and Edie Martel joins him. She reveals that she’s looking for office space in town to open her own law firm.

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At the stables, Nathan and Elizabeth approach Oliver and ask him to tell Nathan the story he told Elizabeth. He relays that his last foster family didn’t give him permission to go to school since he was a farmhand. When he aged out they said that he could stay on, but he wanted something more. When the Mounties were recruiting, he knew he had to lie on the application but he quit as he didn’t want the lie to reflect poorly on Nathan. Nathan thanks Oliver and tells him he has to think about this, and that he is dismissed but not discharged.

At the doctor the next day, Dr. Carter checks Lee’s breathing and tells him he sounds good. Lee reveals that his dad died when he was Lee’s age, and it’s been on his mind lately about what he’s leaving behind. Faith says that Lee has done more than enough and that a lot of men go through this at this age. Lee asks Dr. Carter to keep this between them and to tell Rosemary his back was acting up; Faith says that his secret is safe with her.

At the Mountie office, Hargraves arrives and asks for Nathan’s report on Oliver. Nathan tells him that Oliver can recite the rulebook by heart, performs tasks promptly and diligently, and that the writing portion has been completed. He notes Oliver’s gumption and loyalty despite room for improvement, and that with hard work, he believes that one day, Oliver will make a fine Mountie. Hargraves asks Oliver for his own report on his performance, to which Oliver says he’d like to one day prove himself worthy of Constable Grant’s respect. Hargraves says that they’ll see where things stand in a month and tells Nathan good work.

Bill joins Rosemary at her table at the saloon with the unsolved file case, which contains a picture of a gold coin similar to the one Ned found. He tells her that they never recovered all of these coins and that if they can solve this, they will have solved the Great Rocky Mountain Train Robbery of 1907.

At the stables, Nathan tells Elizabeth that their cadet passed inspection. Nathan says he has an idea for their date and that they should sneak away. They ride Nathan’s horse Newton together into the fields and share a kiss.