Thursday, October 8th, 2020
Alexa & Carlos PenaVega – “Picture Perfect Mysteries: Exit Stage Death”
Carlos and Alex PenaVega join in from their home in Hawaii to talk about and share a preview from their new movie “Picture Perfect Mysteries: Exit Stage Death.” The third installment in the series finds their characters Sam & Allie, investigating a new crime in Willow Haven after Allie finds a dead body.
“Picture Perfect Mysteries: Exit Stage Death” premieres Sunday, October 11th at 9pm/8c on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.
Brad Miller - Roasted Butternut Squash Salad
Host of “Food Truck Nation” Brad Miller makes the most of Fall with his Roasted Butternut Squash Salad recipe.
Get the full recipe
Follow Brad @ChefBradMiller on Instagram.
DIY Mini Halloween Piñatas
Piñata are the ultimate party piece and Maria Provenzano is helping us celebrate Halloween with fun individualized mini piñatas that allow each person to celebrate on their own.
Get more from Maria at
Driveway Tailgate Must-Haves
Kym Douglas shows us how to throw the best tailgate party on the block with products including a snack helmet and a tailgating table.
Follow Kym @KymDouglas on Instagram.
Pet Adoption – Peanut Butter & Link
Larissa introduces a puppy named peanut butter, an 11-month-old chihuahua, yorkie mix. He is a part of a litter of an adorable and affectionate litter of puppies.
Find out more about how to adopt Peanut Butter at
Little Link is a 10-week-old kitten. He is a sweet and playful little guy.
Find out more about how to adopt Link at
Amy Traverso - Pork & Apple Pie with Cheddar Sage Crust
Apple expert Amy Traverso has cataloged nearly every apple variety in America in her new book, “The Apple Lover’s Cookbook.” She joins Cameron from her home in Boston to show us how to make a Pork and Apple Pie with Cheddar-Sage Crust.
Follow Amy @AmyTraverso on Instagram.
Get more from Amy at
DIY Sugar Skulls
In honor of Hispanic Heritage month, Ken is making sugar skulls – traditionally from Mexico that represent Día de Muertos the Day of the Dead. The holiday is meant for us to remember and honor our loved ones that have passed.
Follow Ken @kennethwingard on Instagram.
Nik Wallenda – “Facing Fear”
Seventh generation wire-walker Nik Wallenda has tightrope walked across Times Square and Niagara Falls. He shares stories of making his living hundreds of feet above ground in his new memoir, “Facing Fear.”
Follow Nik @nikwallenda on Instagram.
Betty Fraser – Autumn Apple Dutch Baby
Betty Fraser, who has appeared on “Top Chef” and “Master Chef Junior,” is making a delicious Autumn Apple Dutch baby and share the history of how the Dutch Baby pancake it originated in a small family café in Seattle.
Follow Betty @chefbettyfraser on Twitter.
Countdown to Christmas Fantasy Game
Debbie and Cameron invite you to play the 4th Annual Countdown to Christmas Fantasy Game for a chance to win up to 20,000 dollars.