DIY Squash Hot Air Balloons
Home Decor
Seasonal Event:
- Faux squash, ideally hubbard squash since it is similar in shape to a hot air balloon
- C-hooks or eye hooks
- Industrial-strength glue
- Small flat tack or small nail
- Twine
- Small basket
- X-acto knife, optional
- Extra Fall decor
- Paint
- If desired, paint the squash with some additional colors to make it look more like a hot air balloon. Keep in mind that the squash will be upside down when displayed. Allow to dry.
- Thread some twine through a small basket so that it will hang evenly. Bring the ends of the twine together and tie in a knot.
- Secure the knot around the stem of the squash using the small tack or nail; you can also secure it with hot glue if it’s light.
- Screw in a c-hook or eye hook in the center of the base or bottom of the squash, which is now the top and secure it in place with some industrial strength glue.
- Allow the glue to dry.
- Hang as desired!
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