
Blossom This Spring with Tips on How to Start a Garden

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Romance is not the only thing blossoming this Spring. You can grow too by checking out these gardening basics including choosing the right garden pots, planting a vegetable garden and how to grow wildflowers.

Planting a Vegetable Garden
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  • Grow 2 plants per person in the family.
  • 30 – 50 tomatoes from two plants.
  • Tomatoes range in size and weight depending on variety and can yield from 10 to 20lbs of fruit per plant.
  • If you plan to can the vegetables get up to eight plants for a family of 4. You will need 1 dozen tomatoes per jar for canning.
  • It takes approx. 2.5 lbs. of tomatoes per QUART of canned tomatoes, so calculate how many quarts of tomatoes you buy.


  • Grow 1 to 2 plants per person or 4 to 8 plants for a family of four. One squash plant will grow one dozen squash.
  • Each squash plant can produce 3 to 9 lbs. of squash.


  • Grow 1- 2 plants per person or 4 to 8 plants for family of four.
  • Each plant grows approximately 10, 6-ounce cucumbers per plant. Grow more than this for pickling cucumbers
DIY Porch Bunny Planters
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DIY Porch Bunny Planters
Seasonal Event:
Spring, Easter


  • Pine Board, 6 ft. of 1x12
  • ½ Round Hanging Basket
  • Jig Saw
  • Paper
  • Dinner Plate
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Drill
  • Screws (3)
  • Hook
  • White Paint
  • Water
  • Paint Brush


  1. Cut bunny ears out of paper.
  2. Tape to the end of plywood plank.
  3. Place a dinner plate at bottom of ears (this will be the head).
  4. Trace head and ears.
  5. Move plate down to create shoulders and trace.
  6. Cut out using a jigsaw.
  7. Cut off 12 inches from bottom of plank.
  8. Sand board.
  9. Water down white paint and use it to paint bunny, giving it a white wash effect.
  10. Attach 12 inch squares to base using 3 screws.
  11. Plant bulbs in your hanging basket.
  12. Hang basket from hook attached to wood board.
How to Grow Chamomile Plants
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How to Grow Chamomile Plants
Gardening, Tea
Seasonal Event:


  • Pots
  • Seed starting mix
  • Spray bottle with water


  1. Fill planting container with seed starting mix
  2. Spray a bit of water to seed starting mix and push down firmly
  3. Take about 3-4 Chamomile seeds and place them on TOP of the soil
  4. Lightly scratch in seeds and spritz with water
  5. (DO NOT bury seeds too deep in the soil, they need sunlight to sprout!)
  6. Place container in a very sunny spot in the room so seeds can sprout within 10-20 days
  7. Check soil moisture daily and water gently as soil begins to feel dry to touch.
  8. When plants sprout and are about 2 inches tall, remove all but one chamomile plant from each container or seed planting cell. You can transplant the extra plants in individual pots.
  9. Transplant the chamomile plant to a full sun area outdoors in the ground, or in a large, 8” inch container in 8 to 10 weeks. (Or when the weather is suitable, or after the ground has thawed).
  10. The chamomile plant will flower around week 12 in later spring and early summer.
  11. Although German chamomile is an annual plant, it will often throw its seed on the ground and will flower again the following year!
  12. Harvest the chamomile flower heads when they are open and dry them in a dehydrator or on a screen in a room with dry air.
  13. Store your dried chamomile flowers in an airtight container.


  • Place pot on top of a heat pad to cut sprouting time to 5 days
How To Grow Peaches
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How to Grow Peaches
Seasonal Event:

Dwarf Peach Tree:

  • Dwarf peach trees produce full size fruit and there are several varieties of peaches available!
  • Can be grown in large containers, ideally between 10 to 15 - gallon size, but you can keep it in original container for first year.
  • Potted peach trees can be moved to garage, (if you use tree dolly) during extreme winter temperatures for protection (under -20 degrees)

Planting Your Dwarf Peach Tree:

  • Peach trees need well-draining soil and should be on the acidic side with ph between 6 to 7. I’m using a potting mix made for camellias and azaleas and mixed in some compost.
  • Lower the tree into the pot, making sure to set the graft union 2-3 inches above the top of the soil
  • Add a 2”-inch layer of mulch to insulate the soil from both heat and cold temperatures
  • All soil in containers will be at least 10 degrees warmer and cooler than the soil in the ground!
  • Water your tree after planting
Choosing the Right Garden Pots
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Garden Pot Considerations:

  • Besides style and color, climate is important
  • Material of container
  • Weight of container
  • Sun or shade
  • Cold climate

Let's Start with Glazed Ceramic Pots:

Ceramic Pot Pros:

  • Beautiful colors
  • Many styles
  • Easy to clean

Ceramic Pots Cons:

  • Not porous like terra cotta so if you over water, plant can rot
  • Whole vessel can crack in freezing temp’s. Be able to move it indoors.
  • Look for a label that reads “frost proof”
  • Glaze cracks if watered in hot temp’s
  • On the topic of weight, fiberglass & concrete pots look heavy but actually, are not!

Fiberglass & Concrete Pros:

  • Many styles from classic to modern
  • Different finishes- textured or smooth
  • Lighter than real concrete
  • You can patch and paint it if you damage it!

On the Downside (Depending on the Quality):

  • Color can fade in full sun
  • Can crack and warp in freezing/hot temps if has a hole that lets water into container walls and compromises its integrity.
  • Absorbs heat so it can cook roots of tender plants


  • No full sun. Use indoors, in shade, or patio. Water early morning or evening to avoid root damage **Moving on to plastic. We see these everywhere.
  • Plastic is one of the most popular materials for containers, many are made using recycled plastic.

Plastic Pros:

  • Many shapes, sizes, colors
  • Looks like terra cotta
  • Affordable
  • Lightweight

Plastic Cons:

Depending on Quality

  • Doesn't Breathe, Water Can't Evaporate - Don’t Overwater
    • Example #1: "Cheap Plastic" In Full Sun, Color Fades, Walls Crack If Plant Has Aggressive Roots- Warps
    • Example #2: "Better Plastic"- Thicker Walls & Molded Rim.
  • Considered "Commercial" Grade and Can Be Used in Full Sun Without Backing. Used in Many Cityscapes- See Photo
    • Example #3: "Best Plastic" Made from A Blend of Plastic and Resin Polymers Plus Other Proprietary Materials, This Is The Strongest And Most Durable Of All The Plastic Type. It Costs More Too.
  • Can Be Used in Or Out, All Temperatures. Lightweight.
How to Grow Asparagus
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How to Grow Asparagus

Tips For Growing Asparagus:

When you plant seeds, you need to wait 4 years before the first harvest. Instead, you should plant with asparagus crowns, which are basically the roots of 1 or 2-year-old asparagus plants that have been dug up and soil removed.

When you plant crowns, you can harvest 1-2 years sooner, so it is still a long-term commitment. It’ll be about 2 to 3 years before you can have your first harvest.


  • Crowns are packaged as bare roots and come in bundles of 6 to 8 roots.
  • Carefully separate the individual crowns
  • These swollen buds are where the spears will sprout from- it is the crown area!
  • These long strands are the roots of the plant
  • Soak the asparagus crowns in water 10 minutes before planting.


  • Site selection is important because asparagus is not a plant that you can easily move around the garden once it becomes established.
  • Select a spot for asparagus that when it grows tall, it does not cast a shadow on other vegetable plants
  • 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight
  • I prefer to plant in a raised garden bed that i can fill with rich, well-drained soil, which asparagus requires.


  • Our trenches are approximately 8 to 10 inches deep by 12 inches wide.
  • Add and mound up a 2”-inch layer of compost to the bottom of the trench to enrich the soil.
  • Lay the crowns on top of the mound and spread out the roots. Space crowns 12 inches apart
  • Cover the crowns with a mix of potting soil, compost, and fertilizer to a depth of 3 inches and water well
  • As the asparagus grows and peeks out of the soil, add another layer of soil to cover them, each time filling in the trench until it is level with the rest of the soil.


  • In a couple of springs from now, you will see individual spears emerge from the ground
  • You harvest the spears by cutting below the soil line
How to Grow Wildflowers
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How to Grow Wildflowers
Seasonal Event:


  1. Purchase wildflower seed mixes that are created for your region.
  2. Find soil that is in a well-lit area.
  3. Get rid of all weeds.
  4. Gently rake the soil.
  5. Mix seeds with play sand. The contract of the sand against the soil will help ensure the seeds are evenly distributed on patch of soil.
  6. Toss seeds onto soil.
  7. Tap down seeds with a tamper. Can also use garden roller or use a piece of plywood and gently walk over it.
  8. Water daily until they begin to grow.
How To Grow Mini Gourmet Vegetables
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How To Grow Mini Gourmet Vegetables
Seasonal Event:

Are miniature vegetables a special variety?

Not always! You can grow all of these in late summer: Mini corn, Tiny Scalloped Squash, Carrots, Zucchini, Cukes, and Summer Lettuce!

Miniature veggies are just “regular vegetables” that are harvested before they are fully mature!

How To Grow Dark Green Zucchini & Picklebush

  • Fill a 12-inch container with potting soil and sow 2 seeds at 1”- inch deep
  • Water
  • When seeds sprout, remove the less vigorous plant and keep one. Water regularly so soil doesn’t dry out.
  • Harvest mini cukes and zucchini in 45 days!
  • These varieties don’t need to be supported; they grow as little bushes.

How To Grow Tiny Lettuce In The Summer

Lettuce likes cool temps but will grow in summer if planted in shade or protected from sun with shade cloth.

  • Sow 6 evenly spaced “Sweet Baby Romaine Lettuce” seeds in a 12” inch low bowl filled with potting soil
  • Water it
  • Once the lettuce sprouts to the size of my lettuce plants, cover soil with mulch and drape the pot with shade cloth like this.
  • Water Summer Lettuce daily and harvest the baby romaine lettuce in 50 days!
  • It’s so easy! Take advantage of this last opportunity for summer veggies!
How to Grow Raspberries
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How to Grow Raspberries
Garden, Fruit
Seasonal Event:


  1. Plant in a LARGE container, at least 18 inches deep and wide, filled with potting soil with slightly acidic PH.
  2. Make a hole in the potting soil and mix in a small dose of fertilizer before adding plant
  3. Add plant, and, set up a support trellis at planting time to avoid damaging roots and canes later.
  4. Tie the canes to the support, creating an open "V" shape
  5. Cover the soil with compost or mulch to keep soil hydrated and warm.
  6. Water well and water as much as needed to keep soil evenly moist.

(Make sure pot has good drainage so roots don’t rot.)

How to Grow Turmeric
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How to Grow Turmeric


  1. Buy a turmeric finger from market
  2. Fill a large 12-16” container (plastic is best) with half potting soil, half cactus mix (for drainage)
  3. Set turmeric on soil and space 8” if planting more than one
  4. Cover with 2” of potting soil mix
  5. Water well
  6. Place in a full sun to part shade spot in your yard
  7. Maintain soul humidity (do NOT allow to dry out completely)
  8. Turmeric will start to sprout in 10-20 days
  9. Continue to water
  10. As flower start to open and leaves start to dry, it will be harvest time

*If you live in Cold climate area, start Turmeric plant indoors 2 months before putting outdoors

How to Grow Persimmons
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How to Grow Persimmons
Seasonal Event:


  • Peat moss
  • Plastic bag
  • Bowl & water
  • Persimmon


  1. Get peat moss and soak it in water.
  2. Take peat moss out of water and shake excessive water.
  3. Then place the peat moss inside the plastic bag.
  4. 3-Also add seeds inside the same bag with peat moss.
  5. 4- Then place plastic bag in fridge until spring.
  6. When spring comes you are ready to plant your seeds.
Shirley’s DIY Home Flower Cutting Garden
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How to Make a Flower Cutting Garden


These airy, dainty looking flowers are anything but fragile. Cosmos thrive in hot, dry or humid conditions in less fertile soils. Large, single flowers appear on multi stem plant with ferny leaves and can grow 5 feet tall!
Cosmos bloom from early summer till the first frost.

  • Select flowers whose petals are beginning to open so they can continue opening once cut.
  • Cut the flowers in the morning when their water content is highest & immediately place them in a bucket with warm water.
  • Before arranging, strip foliage from the lower portion of the stems.
  • Cosmos stem can have multiple flowers
  • Cut dead flower stems to encourage more flower growth


Alstroemerias look like miniature lilies and come in many color combinations and bloom from May to November. Plant in full sun to part shade and water regularly. Plants are perennials in mild climates or can be overwintered indoors.

  • Best to pull flower stems from base instead of cutting them to promote more growth from rhizome. Trim afterwards with sharp pruners.
  • Alstroemerias can last up to 2 weeks as cut flowers
  • Condition in warm water with preservative for several hours before arranging
  • Alstroemerias are one of the longest lasting cut flowers
  • Place cut flowers out of direct sunlight
  • Condition cut Alstroemerias flowers in warm water with preservative several hours before arranging


Zinnias are the flowers of choice in desert climates and can handle triple digit temps without fainting. Zinnias look like Dahlias or pompoms, grow in rainbow of colors. Grow in full sun in well draining soil with lots of compost.

  • Cut zinnia stem just above a node so flowers can continue to grow on lower stem
  • Cut zinnia flower when open as it won't open after cutting
  • Condition cut Zinnia flowers in warm water with preservative several hours before arranging
  • Zinnias need well draining soil with compost

China Asters:

"Flowers are mum-shaped and come in bright jewel tone colors. Asters bloom from summer to fall and provide long flowering period. Grow short or tall varieties in garden in well draining soil in full sun area. Don't allow soil to dry."

  • Cut asters when fully opened
  • Place in warm water with 1/2 dose of conditioner and keep in cool spot until ready to arrange flowers
  • Will look good for up to 10 days in vase
  • China Asters can grow 12 to 30"-inches tall

"Filler" Plants You Use from Your Yard:

  • Privet, Eucalyptus, Loropetelum stems
  • Remove lower leaves and score bottom of woody stem with knife to take up water
  • Use stems from woody plants for filler material: including Privet, Eucalyptus, & Loropetelum stems