Recap: The Way We Were - Season 3 - Episode 2
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In the past, Colton teaches a young Jacob how to make a homemade invisible ink, the same ink that Kat found on one of the old books she found. Jacob recognizes the ink technique and confirms to Alice that he must have been the one who wrote the message.
Kat and Alice listen to a voicemail from Alice. In it, Alice starts to tell them that someone else knows about the pond, but she is pushed in and heard yelling as she falls. Kat decides to go after her and jumps in the pond. While there, Elliot finds a jacket left behind by someone and receives a phone call from his father, Vic. He ignores it.
Del tells Sam about her conversation with Jacob, and how she’s going to start giving him more freedom and treating him like an adult. Sam shares that he would like the same freedom in their relationship, and he doesn’t want them to keep sneaking around. Sam tells Del he loves her. Del can’t reciprocate the same words yet, but Sam seems to understand.
While in the past, Alice sees a young Vic Augustine playing with Colton’s guitar. Later, she watches Vic and his older brother Rick from behind a tree. When they spot her, she comes out and introduces herself. Rick mentions that the guitar is for his best friend Colton Landry and that it is the summer of 1974. Alice offers to accompany Rick in delivering the guitar to Colton. Kat shows up as they are leaving in Rick’s car, and she gets Alice’s attention before she leaves. Kat asks Vic if she can borrow his bike, but he denies her request.
In the present, Elliot returns to the Landry home and tells Del and Jacob that Kat and Alice jumped in the pond. Elliot gets another call from his dad. He ignores it again and leaves to return home. He is greeted by his father on the front porch.
Back in 1974, Rick and Alice arrive at Coyle’s to meet Colton. Before Colton arrives, Rick introduces Alice to Evelyn Goodwin. Evelyn tells Alice that she has a feeling that they will be friends. When Colton arrives at Coyle’s, Alice is stunned to see a young version of her grandfather in person. Meanwhile, Kat is walking into town when a car stops next to her to offer a ride. She initially declines but then sees the Coyle’s logo on the side of the car. The driver is Jasper, the owner of Coyle’s. Kat takes him up on his offer to drive her into town.
Back at his house, Elliot is asking his dad what he is doing back in town. Vic explains that he heard about Kat’s book and wanted to bask in the glory of the Augustine’s finally being talked about regarding the history of Port Haven.
At Coyle’s Rick gifts the guitar to Colton, and Colton loves the surprise gift. Kat and Jasper walk into Coyle’s and Colton shows Jasper his new guitar. Jasper puts the Coyle’s sticker on the guitar for him. Rick tells Colton that Alice tuned the guitar up for him, and they introduce themselves to each other. Colton invites Alice to come with them to the Cove for a party as Kat watches over them. Evelyn tells Alice that she should act fast if she likes Rick because he’s leaving town after the summer. As Alice and Evelyn are about to leave, Alice sees her mom. Kat tells Alice that she needs to come back home. Alice asks if she can stay for the party. Against the idea at first, Kat eventually agrees.
Jacob goes to visit Elijah and Rebecca Landry’s grave so he can talk to them. He apologizes and tells them he misses them, feeling lost without them. In front of their grave, he finds Susanna’s grave. He has a flashback of when he visited their graves as a kid with his father. He also sees another grave, this time it’s his own and Colton’s.
Back at Coyle’s, Kat learns that Jasper is a part of the Coyle family, and he also is somewhat of a role model for Colton, since Colton lost his own father at a young age. Jasper tells Kat about how he ended up in Port Haven. He fled the draft in the States and found out that his ancestors lived in Port Haven.
Del and Jacob go to the pond together. Jacob tells Del that he misses his other father, Elijah. He explains that while the pond took him from his family, he is grateful for the other family that it gave him. Jacob tells Del about his shame of the life he lived in 1814, smuggling and being a criminal. He shares with Del that he didn’t choose to come home, he had to escape his crimes. Del is hurt by this, and she wonders how Jacob would be if he never left the present.
In 1974, Alice attends the beach party. Rick asks Alice if she’s interested in Colton. She says no, and Rick says he’s happy to hear that. Rick also tells Alice that Evelyn and Colton are really close and that everyone thinks they will end up together. Everyone gathers around the fire and Colton plays a song on his new guitar. Alice sings along. Kat watches from a distance.
At Elliot’s, Vic asks about Kat. Elliot tells him that they are together now. Vic admits to Elliot that he returned because he met someone and is getting married. He seems genuinely happy and asks Elliot to be his best man. They agree that Elliot will think about it.
Colton gifts Evelyn two books that seem to be the same book that Kat found with the invisible ink on them. Evelyn asks Colton to join her on a trip to Morocco. He says he can’t since he has responsibilities at the farm and at Coyle’s. Evelyn says that he needs to find adventures outside of Port Haven. He is about to tell Evelyn about a magical adventure he found in Port Haven, until they are interrupted by the arrival of Evelyn’s family’s summer guest, Delilah Watson, who is the younger version of Del Landry. Colton looks at her with awe.
Kat returns from 1974 for her book launch just as the event is about to start. Meanwhile still in 1974, Evelyn tells Alice that Del is a family friend and that their families do business together. Colton is sitting off to the side with Rick, still admiring Del. Rick encourages Colton to talk to her and says “Carpe Diem.” Colton goes up to Del and offers her a beer. She says no. Colton nervously introduces himself and Del tells him that Evelyn didn’t even bother to invite her to the party. She tells Colton that she has plenty of boys interested in her back home, and he replies, “I’m not like your boys back home.” She smiles and takes him up on the beer he offered before. A disco song comes on. Colton shares that he hates disco and that he thinks it has no substance. After a bit of back and forth, Del says that she’s fun and popular like disco, so she doesn’t think it will work between them. She walks off. Vic shows up and teases him for the interaction with Del.
At her book launch, Kat addresses how Susanna’s story is different from the stories that were originally told about Port Haven. A man protests Kat’s claims, stating he doesn’t think that Susanna’s story adds up. He is defending Cyrus Goodwin. The protesting man introduces himself as Louis Goodwin, the son of Evelyn Goodwin. Jacob passionately defends Susanna and even blurts out that he knows the truth because he lived it. He apologizes and says his father passed down the stories to him. Sam steps in to calm everyone down.
In 1974, Alice tells everyone that she needs to leave. Evelyn wants to leave too. Still upset about his interaction with Del, Colton says he also wants to go. Rick is upset about this and calls them lame. Rick and Vic leave together.
After the book launch, Del thanks Sam for helping calm down Jacob earlier. She tells Sam she is ready for their relationship to be more public. While happy about it, Sam tells Del he is about to leave town to visit his grandkids. Del reciprocates that she loves Sam.
Alice is walking back with Evelyn and Colton and says goodbye to them. Colton mentions he heard Alice singing earlier, and that they should work on music together sometime. Alice returns to the present.
Del and Jacob are back at the Landry farm, reflecting on the book launch. Del tells Jacob that she is proud of him and tells him she is now together with Sam. Del has a flashback of a young Jacob playing on the farm.
Elliot and Kat are sitting together back home, and Elliot finally asks Kat to move in with him. Kat happily says yes. Alice tells her mom the next morning that she is happy for her. Kat tells Alice that she saw her at the party in 1974, and Alice says that 1974 was nice, but she doesn’t really want to go back. It was difficult for her to see Colton so hopeful for his future when she knows how it ends. Kat tells her that she is going to go back and plays her the record of her and Colton singing together. Kat suggests maybe Alice needs to go back to discover if Colton knew about the time traveling. However, Del doesn’t think it’s possible Colton knew of the pond. Alice also mentions that she met Rick and asks Elliot about him. Elliot informs her that he died in a car accident after a beach party in 1974. Vic was in the car too but survived. Alice realizes it's the same party she was at, and decides she wants to go back to 1974.Elliot returns home to see that Vic has turned the house upside down. Vic is frantically looking for Elliot’s mother’s ring. Elliot tells him he doesn’t know where it is.
As Alice is approaching the pond to return to 1974, a man pops out from under water. It’s Colton, coming to the present day from 1974.