
Recap: I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song - Season 3 - Episode 4

Romance is top of mind as Alice, Kat, and Del reflect on love in their past, present, and future. Meanwhile, Jacob struggles with his memories.

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Colton and a young Jacob enjoy a night camping out on the farm in a tent. After Jacob wakes up, he goes back into his house. He then experiences a flashback of himself returning home in 1814, only to have Cyrus Goodwin waiting there for him. Cyrus tells him that he left his family behind. Jacob wakes up screaming. He was having a nightmare.

At what is now Elliot and Kat’s home, formerly just Elliot’s, they wake up together joyfully. Elliot tells Kat that he needs to go set up his classroom, and Kat asks him how the summer went by so quick. Elliot nicely asks Kat to unpack, as she has already been there for a few days.

They stop by the Landry home first for breakfast. Del asks Jacob how he slept, to which he replies, “Good.” But Del overheard his yelling when he was having nightmares. Kat tells Alice she is going to take her back to school shopping. When the phone rings at the house, it’s Louis Goodwin. He wants Jacob to meet him at Lingermore, the Goodwin Estate.

As they are leaving to go shopping, Alice convinces Kat that they should jump in the pond to figure out what happens with the flyer related to filling in the pond. As they are about to jump in, Alice gets a call from Noah. Kat teases Alice and they jump into the pond together.

After arriving, as they walk through the woods they spot Evelyn in the distance. Alice goes after her to talk and Kat heads off to seek out the truth behind the flyer.

Del receives another mysterious letter. This one reads, “I know about your family. Soon, they all will.” She imagines Colton in front of her, encouraging her to share this with Kat and Jacob. She says she doesn’t want to tell them since they already are dealing with so much. When Jacob comes downstairs to leave for Lingermore, Del decides to tag along.

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Highlight - A Special Place - The Way Home

Alice approaches Evelyn as she is reciting literature in front of the pond. Evelyn tells Alice she should go back to Lingermore with her, and that Colton will be there too. She also notices that Alice is wet and asks her if she had been in the pond. Alice says yes, and Evelyn vaguely says that whatever Alice knows about the pond, she does too. She says that the pond is a very special place. Together, they run off to Lingermore.

Kat runs into Jasper at the Landry farm as he drops off magazines for Fern Landry, Kat’s grandmother. Jasper tells Kat that he’s known Fern since 1965, when he first came to Port Haven. Kat is excited that Jasper may know what happened in 1965 with the pond.

Alice and Evelyn arrive at Lingermore. We also see Jacob and Del arriving at Lingermore in the present. Jacob immediately gets a nightmarish flashback of Cyrus on the front doorstep. Louis comes outside to greet them.

Back in 1974, Evelyn gives Alice a tour of the estate. Alice notices a painting of children with a dog and a mysterious woman playing with them. Evelyn thinks the woman in the painting may be the infamous White Witch, and that she is protecting them, not haunting them.

Meanwhile in the present, Louis hands Del and Jacob glasses of wine, claiming that the wine is why he invited them over. He offers Jacob a job as a consultant, saying that he wants Jacob’s farm expertise for his new vineyard. Jacob gets flustered when he notices a painting of Cyrus Goodwin.

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In 1974 again, Evelyn shows Alice that same painting of Cyrus Goodwin. Alice looks outside and has a flashback of the incident at the Lingermore party. Del is sitting out by the pool. Colton arrives and sees Del on his way in. He musters up the confidence to talk to Del, apologizing to Del for how they ended their conversation at the cove. He offers to make it up to her by giving her a tour of Port Haven. Evelyn and Alice watch over from the window. Evelyn is visibly sad about seeing Colton flirting with Del. Colton meets up with them inside, immediately sharing that he can’t stay because he’s going on a date with Del. Evelyn tells Alice that she wants to spy on Colton and Del’s date.

As he walks through Lingermore, Jacob continues to imagine Cyrus Goodwin around him. Jacob tells Del that he doesn’t think he can work for the Goodwins. Louis walks in and interrupts their conversation; Del tells him that they will need time to think about his offer.

Highlight - An Old Recording - The Way Home

Back with Kat in 1974, Jasper looks through his recordings of city hall meetings regarding the pond in 1965. He finds it and he and Kat listen to it. It sounds like the Goodwins are claiming that the pond is dangerous and there were kids that almost drowned in it. Fern defends herself, saying that the pond is important to her, and it is on her property. An even younger Evelyn Goodwin speaks up, saying that the pond is special. Colton tells her to stop. Fern mentions that Colton saved Evelyn. Kat hears Evelyn say something else, but it is difficult to make out.

On their date, Colton brings Del out on a boat. Evelyn watches over them, saying that it should be her. She regrets not telling Colton how she feels about him.

Kat returns to Elliot in the present to tell him about what she found out about 1965. She says that since Colton saved Evelyn in the pond and he didn’t get sucked into the pond; maybe he can’t time travel. Elliot teases Kat about her getting the floor wet while she’s telling him this.

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Kat returns to the Landry farm to find Alice. She sees Del, who tells her that Alice isn’t home yet. Del tells Kat it would be easier to know where Alice is if they lived under the same roof. Kat shares with Del that it’s difficult to see Alice so happy and independent, especially since she has moved out. Del apologizes for reacting so negatively to Kat and Elliot moving in together. She says it’s hard for her to let go of Kat. While Del is walking through the house, she sees Jacob in his room. He has scars all over his back.

In 1974, Colton and Del get back from their boat ride. Del is upset with Colton because she got seasick, and she told Colton that she didn’t like boats. Del begins to walk off. Colton starts playing a song for her. Del comes back and watches over him with admiration. Colton goes to kiss her, and she says she can’t because of her breath. Colton says he doesn’t care, and they kiss. Evelyn sees their interaction and starts crying. Alice realizes that the pond brought her here so that she could be there for Evelyn.

At the Landry farm in the present, Del asks Jacob about the scars on his back. He tells Del that it was Cyrus; he was being tortured until Kat and Susanna saved him and nursed him back to health. He tells Del that he is broken and feels like he will never heal. Del reassures him.

When Alice is about to go back to the present, Colton runs into her on the Landry farm. He thanks her for hanging out with Evelyn, and that it’s been difficult for her since Rick passed. He also asks Alice what she is doing on the farm. She says that she is going to go for a swim. Colton starts to tell Alice about the stories that Fern would tell him about the pond when he was younger. She would tell him that the pond was magical and could even take someone back in time. Colton said he never believed her, but he decided to give it a try after Rick’s funeral. He wanted to go back and save Rick. It didn’t work. Colton heads off because he is taking Del to the movies.

Back in the present, Del shows Jacob a box full of letters that he used to write to her and slip under her door when he was a kid. She tells him she is so glad to have him back after all those years. She encourages him to take the job that Louis offered to him and to not hold back because of the past. She tells him that his scars are not only a sign that he suffered, but also a sign that he made it through.

Alice returns home and excitedly tells Del that she watched over her first date with Colton, claiming that the pond can be a gift. She saw the moment Colton serenaded her and they fell in love. When Kat walks in, she and Alice go off to catch up about their latest trip to 1974. Now on her own, Del sees Colton beside her again. They talk about how the moment Alice talked about wasn’t the one when they fell in love.

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Back in 1974, Colton is driving Del and she hops out of the car again because she is carsick. Colton shows her a pressure point on her wrist, and she says it helps. She thanks him for steadying her. She gets sick again. Del and Colton giggle over this memory, and Colton says that this was the moment they fell in love. It wasn’t a big gesture, but a small one.

Alice meets up with Noah for a date. Noah notices Alice itching her wrist and offers to assist. He gently rubs it for her, and she tells him it helps.

Elliot and Kat are back home making dinner. A song that they both like comes on and they begin singing and dancing. Dancing quickly becomes kissing. Kat knocks over a carton of milk and it spills on the floor. Elliot tells her he doesn’t care right now, and they continue kissing. Kat notices the sweater that Elliot found at the pond a while back and recognizes it as Colton’s from 1999. She speculates that Colton may have traveled to the present from the past. She runs off.

During their date, Noah’s friend walks in. His name is Max Goodwin, son of Louis. Alice asks about Casey, and Max says that he doesn’t know them.

Kat goes to Del and asks again if she can remember any time that Colton mentioned time travel. Del says no and storms off. She doesn’t know why Colton wouldn’t tell her about the pond if he really did know about it. A letter from Jacob gets slipped under Del’s door. It reads, “It’s time to let go of what was lost and take hold of what’s to come.” Outside her door, Jacob has another vision of Cyrus, but this time he closes his eyes and takes a breath. He no longer sees Cyrus when he opens his eyes.