
“Little Boy” Interview

The stars of the film “Little Boy” sit down with Mark and Cristina to talk about their upcoming movie. Eduardo Verastegui, David Henrie and Jakob Salvati share funny stories from the set. The older actors were very impressed with Jakob and his wonderful ability to cry on screen. Each actor admits they learned a lot from each other while working on the movie.

Don't miss "Little Boy" when it opens in theaters on April 24th!

Swordfish Kebabs

Swordfish Kebobs

Chef Mike Isabella joins Cristina in the Home & Family kitchen to make some Swordfish Kebobs, influenced by his love for Mediterranean food. Mike says the key is to marinate the fish for up to four hours. Mike jokes that as a chef he is usually hot-tempered but he is taking it easy on his co-chef Cristina.

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Time-Saving Ironing Hacks

Kym Douglas shows you some time-saving hacks that will cut your ironing time in half. She suggests you can using a flat iron to smooth out your wrinkled dress. Also using the bottom of a hot pot, you can iron a shirt. Finally, you can replace your iron board cover with aluminum foil so it makes the heat of your iron hotter.

Check out more from Kym at

Scott Wolf

Scott Wolf Interview

Actor Scott Wolf chats about the return of his NBC series “The Night Shift” with Mark and Cristina. Scott opens up about an upcoming storyline coming up in which his character experiences a life-changing car crash. Aside from being an actor, Scott is also a father to two sons and a daughter.

Don't miss Scott on NBC's "The Night Shift," Mondays, 10/9c

DIY 3D Fondant Cake Flowers

DIY 3D Fondant for Floral Cake

Ken Wingard shows you how to make your own fondant for a floral cake. It was his daughter’s upcoming birthday cake that inspired the idea. He says you can buy your own fondant at a craft store, but it only costs $12 to make it yourself.  Fondant is a sugar base, and it is almost like a Play-Doh that you can shape any way you want.

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Get more fun DIY projects at the Home & Family Pinterest Page

Get more from and follow him on Twitter @KennethWingard

Baby Sign Language
Baby Signs
Dr. Linda Acredolo is the founder of Baby Signs, a program designed to teaching babies sign language. Babies can communicate long before they can talk, but they can learn sign language as young as ten months old. Linda is joined by Lacey LaCour, who has used sign language for both of her children and brought her 17 month old son with her.

Find out more about Baby Signs at

Growing Blueberry Bushes

Shirley Talks Blueberries

Shirley Bovshow is back to talk about blueberries! There are various varieties of blueberries and they fruit between May and August. Make sure you grow blueberries in acidic soil with 4.5-5.5 PH range. Shirley also recommends growing the blueberries in large and wide containers that are 18 inches or larger. Also, remember that blueberries require a lot of water and well draining soil.

Get more from Shirley at

Follow Shirley on Twitter @FoodieGardeners

A special thank you to for providing the blueberry plants.

Grace Rose Bauer Interview

12-year-old fashion designer Grace Rose Bauer talks about her own clothing line and how a portion of her label “Rosie G” proceeds goes to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. She started her own fashion line as a creative outlet as she deals with Cystic Fibrosis. She sees designing clothes as her therapy to help occupy her mind during days that she struggles with her disease.

Check out more of Grace Bauer's fashion line at

Battling with Depression

Life Coach Rex Crain is joined by Matt Rogers to talk about depression. Matt opens up about his own six-year battle with depression, starting with the loss of his mom and then watching his career stall at the same time. High anxiety is always the first sign of depression. Matt started going to Rex who recommended small day-to-day changes that result in helping curb anxiety and depression.

Check out more from Matt at

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