
Wedding Anniversary Pinata

Paige Hemmis and her husband Jason Short team up to bring you a DIY to help celebrate your wedding anniversary.


  • Paper Mache box
  • Crepe Paper
  • Ribbon
  • Hot Glue
  • Wooden Skewer 
  • Wooden Hearts 
DIY Wedding Anniversary Pinata - Home & Family


1. Score sides, top and bottom of paper mache box using razor blade.

2. Cut out hole to fit wooden hearts in center of box.

3. Hot glue lid to box.

4. Glue ribbon to side of box leaving excess to be used when hanging at desired height.

5. Tapes excess ribbon to side of box.

6. Cuts strip of crepe paper to be used to create flower.

7. Attach skewer to first strip of crepe paper with tape and hot glue.

8. Roll up crepe paper to skewer.

9. Stretches out additional strips of crepe paper.

10. Attach strips of crepe paper to skewer to form a flower

11. Wrap mache box with additional crepe paper.

12. Attach flower to box.

13. Hang Piñata from desired location.

14. Insert wooden heart messages and enjoy!

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