
Matt's OTC and Sophie's Natural Remedies for the Common Cold

Sleep Aids:

  • NyQuil
  • Wellness Cold and Flu
  • Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts

Cough Aids:

  • Mucinex-D
  • A neti pot

Runny Nose:

  • Vicks Sinex
  • Olbas Inhale

A Natural Remedy for a cough:

Heat half a cup of water in a boiling pot
and add one teaspoon turmeric powder,
one teaspoon black pepper and
one tablespoon honey. Drink up!

A Natural Remedy for a runny nose:
An inhalation of the following:
5 drops of Tea Tree essential oil and 5 drops of Lavender essential oil in a bowl of steaming water

A classic for all that ails you:
Chicken Soup: the homemade kind, not the can kind
It really can help a cold because of the marrow in the chicken bones… it’s important to use real chicken broth that’s been made with the bones of a chicken because they contain B vitamins (in the marrow), calcium, magnesium and zinc all of which can assist your immune cells in fighting off colds and flu.

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Twitter: @sophieuliano

Visit Matt Iseman at and follow him on Twitter @mattiseman.

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