Sleep Aids:
- NyQuil
- Wellness Cold and Flu
- Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts
Cough Aids:
- Mucinex-D
- A neti pot
Runny Nose:
- Vicks Sinex
- Olbas Inhale
A Natural Remedy for a cough:
Heat half a cup of water in a boiling pot
and add one teaspoon turmeric powder,
one teaspoon black pepper and
one tablespoon honey. Drink up!
A Natural Remedy for a runny nose:
An inhalation of the following:
5 drops of Tea Tree essential oil and 5 drops of Lavender essential oil in a bowl of steaming water
A classic for all that ails you:
Chicken Soup: the homemade kind, not the can kind
It really can help a cold because of the marrow in the chicken bones… it’s important to use real chicken broth that’s been made with the bones of a chicken because they contain B vitamins (in the marrow), calcium, magnesium and zinc all of which can assist your immune cells in fighting off colds and flu.
For more from natural lifestyle expert Sophie Uliano go to:
Twitter: @sophieuliano
Visit Matt Iseman at and follow him on Twitter @mattiseman.