Ken Wingard is getting into the Valentine’s Day spirit with this decorative DIY.


  • Two grapevine wreaths
  • Two sticks
  • Faux florals
  • Faux berries
  • Hand saw
  • Drill
  • Screws
  • Newel Post
  • Paint (desired color)
  • Floral Wire
DIY XO Post - Home & Family


1. Take 1st wreath (this will be the “X” wreath) and cut through it with a hand saw.

2. Straighten out wreath and get it into a single line.

3. Cut wreath into two length the width of the other (“O”) wreath.

4. Take two sticks and cut the same length as your two straightened wreaths.

5. Pre-drill sticks and use screws to attach them together into the shape of an X.

6. Use floral wire to attach grapevine links to the wooden X. Wrap securely.

7. Cut berries and attach to grapevine X using floral wire.

8. Attach newel to wooden plaque so that it will stand up-right.

9. Paint newel desired color.

10. Attach grapevine X and “O” wreath to the newel.

11. Display in your home.

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