Maria Provenzano is showing you how easy it is to make some fun and colorful cake toppers!


  • Supplies
  • Oven bake clay
  • Parchment paper
  • Rolling pin
  • Corn starch
  • Baking sheet
  • Plastic drink stirrers or some kind of similar sticks such as kabob skewers, dowels, chopsticks
  • Super glue
  • Toothpicks
  • Knife
  • Paint pen; optional for adding additional details
DIY Spring Cake Toppers - Home & Family


1. roll out all of the colors desired for the rainbow separately into long lines
2. it helps to start making your rainbow shape as you go since you will need more of the outside color than the inside
3. once all the colors are rolled out, bend the lines to create a rainbow shape
4. use your hands to secure the lines of clay to each other
5. use a knife to cut off the excess clay at the bottom to create a clean line
6. use one of the stirrers to create a hole in the bottom of the rainbow, you want to make sure it is about an inch or so into the clay; this will create a hole for the stirrer to go into after the clay bakes
7. bake on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper according to package instructions
8. Once the clay has baked, allow it to cool completely
9. insert the stirrer into the hole; it may help to secure it with super glue as well
10. allow to dry and then place on the cake for decoration

11. Use rule of “low and slow” for oven baked clay (Esp if it’s on the thicker side like the rainbow) Turn your oven on and set it according to your oven bake clay manufacturer’s instructions.

*You can also glue the skewer to the cake topper once baked. This is helpful for the thinner cake toppers such as clouds.

1. roll out clay to about a 1/4 inch thickness
2. use a circle cookie cutter to create the center of the sun
3. repeat with another color and use a larger cookie cutter to cut a circle shape
4. use a knife to make triangle shapes on the larger circle
5. bake both circles according to package instructions on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
6. allow to cool and add any additional details you like with the paint pen
7. attach them together with super glue and then attach them to the skewer/drink stirrer
8. place on the cake for decoration

1. roll out the oven bake clay to about a 1/4 inch thickness
2. lightly freehand draw a cloud on the clay with a toothpick
3. use the knife to cut out the shape
4. bake on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper; bake according to package instructions as each brand could be different
5. once the clay has baked, allow it to cool completely
6. attach it to a skewer/drink stirrer and place in the cake

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