Orly Shani is keeping you in style with this fashionable DIY.


  • Jeans
  • Fabric Paint
  • Brushes of various sizes
  • *Consider using Q-Tips for smaller sized flower petals
  • Paper/ tarp
DIY Splatter Paint Jeans - Home & Family


  1. Lay paper down to cover work area
  2. Take fabric paint and add teaspoon of water to thin out slightly (Too much water will alter color)

For Stems:

  1. Put large amount of paint on brush and throw it at jeans
  2. “Throwing” the paint is what create lines*
  3. (“Flicking it just create little dots”)
  4. Think of it as one long hard motion - like an overhand throw

For Flowers:

  1. Take various size brushes, dip in paint and “stamp” each petal
  2. Maintaining same direction with each petal (ie, work in a circle)

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