Getting you ready for Easter!


  • Balloons
  • Plaster wrap
  • Easter or spring ephemera
  • Paint
  • Poster board
  • Ribbon


- Blow up balloon
- Fill pan or shallow bucket with water
- Cut plaster wrap into pieces
- Dip plaster wrap into water and lay onto balloon
- Leave tie to balloon exposed
- Continue to lay pieces on balloon smoothing with fingers until balloon is covered
- Add 2 more layers
- Add a third layer of decorative shapes
- Let dry, half way through drying you can cut knot of balloon to help speed drying
- Once dry, use utility knife to cut opening in front of egg shape, remove balloon
- Spray mount ephemera to poster board
- Cut out desired images
- Paint inside of eggs if desired
- Thread ribbon through former knot hole in top of egg, tie a knot in ribbon inside of egg to hold in place
- Place ephemera inside using tabs of paper and glue to hold into place
- Hang


- Work in a cool place to extend working time of plaster
- Use hairdryer to quicken drying time if desired
- Greeting cards and wrapping paper are a good source for ephemera
- Also try placing eggs on pillar holders to create a centerpiece
- Add battery operated tea-lights to the interior for added magic.

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Do It Yourself Plaster Egg - Home & Family

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