Materials for Ball
- Plastic Cocktail Cups
- Christmas Lights
- Stapler
Materials for Drop Stand
- Plywood Round (2’)
- PVC Pipe (1”x 6’)
- L Brackets (4)
- Drill
- Paint
DIY New Year's Eve Ball - Home & Family
Directions for Ball
1. Drill a hole to match the size of your lights.
2. Staple the sides of your plastic cups together.
3. Create ball by a stapling multiple plastic cups together.
4. When half way through sphere, start putting in the lights.
5. Continue creating full ball as you put your lights in.
6. Leave a 1 cup opening to insert lights.
7, Turn on lights.
Directions for Stand
1 Use a 2’ size plywood round for your base.
2. Use 4 L Brackets to secure 1”x 6’ size PVC pipe to plywood round.
3. Use fishing line to thread through the cup ball.
4. Lower to the count of 10!