Ken Wingard is updating your garden with this decorative DIY.


  • Table Legs
  • Ceiling Fan Blades
  • Bailing Wire
  • Paint
  • Wood Glue
  • Nail Gun
  • Wire Cutters
  • Drill
  • Hot Glue Gun
DIY Garden Dragonflies - Home & Family


1. Start with a table leg. Remove any hardware that is still attached to the table leg. This will be the body of the dragonfly.

2. Cut 2 ceiling fan replacement blades to 15 degree angles and 2 to be 15 degree angles.

3. Apply wood glue on the area the ceiling fan replacement blades will be going

4. Use a nail gun to attach replacement blades into the back of the table leg. This will be the wings.

5. Paint dragonfly and allow to dry.

6. Cut bailing wire with wire cutters and shape bailing wire to look like antenna by wrapping it around the table leg.

7. Drill hole on top of table leg and insert wire. Use hot glue to keep secure.

8. Screw a few nails into the wall in order for dragonfly to sit the way you would like. Allow dragonfly to sit on those nails.

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How to Start a Garden
How to Start a Garden