
DIY Hanging Snowflake Decor

Maria Provenzano is showing you how to make your own winter decor for the house.


  • 2 Sizes of Embroidery Hoops
  • Fishing Line or String
  • Paper or Plastic Snowflakes
  • Hot Glue
  • Glue Dots
  • Optional: Faux Birch Paper, Pom Pom Trim, or Tulle
DIY Hanging Snowflake Decor - Home & Family


1. Lay your two embroidery hoops flat, one sitting in the center of the other.

2. Tie fishing line taught but not tight around the hoops so they lay level when held up.

3. Tie long strings of fishing line from the hoops so that they hang below.

4. Use glue dots to attach either your plastic snowflake decorations or paper snowflakes to
the strings. Multiple snowflakes can be attached to each string.

5. Lastly, add your decoration around the embroidery hoops! This can either be the birch
paper or the pom pom trim.

6. Tie any extra string you have to hang it! Multiple strings might need to be added to make it
lay flat.

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