- Wood birdhouses
- White puffy paint
- Cinnamon sticks
- Star Anise
- Wood stain
- Paint brush
- Rag
- Hooks
- Rice, sand, stones, or plaster for filler
- Optional: Glue gun & glue sticks
- Optional: Additional embellishments
DIY Christmas Cottage Stocking Holders
1. Using a paintbrush and rag, stain birdhouse with desired stain color
a. For a lighter tone, wipe off stain immediately after brushing on
b. For a darker tone, leave stain on for 5 minutes before wiping off
2. Once stain has dried, decorate cottage with white puffy paint to mimic snow
3. Add cinnamon sticks to create look of a log cabin. Use hot glue to secure.
4. Optional: Add additional embellishments
5. Attach hook
6. Fill cottage with sand, rice, stones, or plaster to hold it down
7. Place on mantel, hang stocking and enjoy!