Steps for lampshade:
1. Tie yarn to metal frame inside lampshade and start at outside top of the lampshade, and wind around the bottom and then inside the shade to the top again. Repeat until you have several rows.
2. Do this process again alternating colors to create a team themed shade!
Steps for throw:
1. Take fleece in favorite team color or pattern, cut slits around the outside
2. Take 3 inch long by ½ wide cuts of fleece and tie them to all of the slits, continuing until you have completed the blanket
Steps for pillow:
1. Cut sew a pant leg off at both ends so team logo is still intact with about 2 inches on both sides.
2. Fill with pillow form
3. Sew both ends shut
Steps for mancave bar:
1. Cut out pictures of football team from newspaper or magazine, be creative for repping your team.
2. Cut a piece of plywood to the size of your desk.
3. Affix pictures to the wood using glue, allow to dry
4. Use laquer to go over the top creating a shiny protective surface
Follow lifestyle design expert Paige Hemmis on Twitter @paigehemmis and check out her site
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