
DIY Baby Pants from T-Shirts

A baby-friendly DIY from Orly Shani.


  • T-Shirt
  • Pair of pants that you can use as a pattern
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Elastic


If you're using a men's shirt:
1) Take a pair of pants and lay them on your t-shirt.
2) Cut 1" outside of the pants so you have seam allowance.
3) Sew the side seams closed.
4) Fold the waistband over, just enough to fit your elastic and sew to create a casing for your elastic.
5) Leave an opening so you can feed the elastic through the casing.
6) Sew elastic ends together and close opening.

If you're using a smaller women's shirt:

1) Cut the top off the shirt, just under the armholes so you're left with a rectangle. 

2) Fold your shirt in half and lay the baby pants on top to mark where your harem pants should start.

3) Cut a u-shape out of the bottom.

4) Open up your pants and sew the u-shape together.

5) Fold the waistband down and repeat the steps above for the elastic.

DIY Baby Pants From T-Shirts - Home & Family

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