Daniel Kucan shows you how to make one.


  • Mirror
  • Rubber gloves (for safety)
  • Paint remover
  • Paint scraper/putty knife
  • Paint brush
  • Muriatic acid
  • Photo/printout
  • Rags
  • Scissors
  • Tape


  1. Take the mirror out of the frame and, after putting on gloves and laying down paper, we are going to put a little paint stripper on the back. NOT A LOT!
  2. We are just going to strip a small section, maybe 3 x 3" (once the stripper is applied, it takes about 20 minutes to work.
  3. Scrape off the stripper with a putty knife.
  4. Wash the whole thing with a wet rag.
  5. Now that you have a mirror with a little of the paint on the back stripped off, we are going to spray a tiny bit of muriatic acid onto the exposed silver on the mirror.
  6. Wait 30 seconds for the acid to take affect.
  7. Take an old photograph like the ones I have here (a map, a sheet of music, etc.) and put them where the stripped silver/paint is.
  8. Turn the whole thing over and KABOOM look how awesome! What you end up with is a ghostly image within the mirror itself.
  9. It's a wonderful way to remember someone, or evoke a little character into your mirror images.
  10. Re-assemble the mirror and you have now customized your own DIY Antique Mirror.

DIY Antique Mirror - Home & Family

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