Instacart is a grocery delivery service that delivers in as little as an hour!
Instacart is a lifesaver, it’s an app that connects you with Personal Shoppers in your area who pick up and deliver your groceries from your favorite stores! It’s so easy and SO affordable too; just $3.99 for as much food as you need and delivered within just 2 hours! Home and Family viewers get a special $5 off on their first order and FREE delivery with the coupon code HomeAndFamily! Just visit instacart.com or download that app! NOTE: Instacard is rapidly growing and if it’s not in your city yet, type in your zip code and they’ll immediately notify you as soon as they get there!
#2: "FLUSHD"
Flushd is an app that uses satellite technology to reveal every public restroom in your geographic vicinity. But here’s what makes it great for moms; you can refine your search based on which ones have baby-changing stations! And if you’re really picky, some of the bathrooms include photos! Right now I just change Alexandra in the car but soon she’ll be too big for that. I love that this app takes away any guessing about which public restroom to stop in. It’ll save me a lot of aggravation! Anyone can get this app because it’s FREE on iTunes!
If I can’t see her I can’t do anything so I always bring the bassinet in so I can watch her while I shower! One morning I was getting up early for a shoot and, since it was the middle of the night, I thought, “She’ll be asleep. I’m gonna hop in the shower.” The second I get in she starts screaming at the top of her lungs! But with the help of video baby monitors, I can do so much more because I can see her even when I’m not with her. Now, normally video monitors can cost $200 but for $3.99 you can download the "Cloud Baby Monitor" app. You purchase the app on 2 devices (2 iphones or ipads); one device functions as the child unit and the other as the parent unit. Open both apps then decide which device serves as the parent and will serve as the child. I use the iPad for the parent unit and it stays with Jon and me in the family room, while the phone stays with Alexandra.
Follow TV personality and style expert Debbie Matenopoulos on Twitter @IAmDebbieM. Her first cookbook, "It's All Greek to Me," is available in stores now and at amazon.com.
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