The Middle star Brock Ciarlelli

“The Middle” Interview

Actor Brock Ciarlelli visits Home & Family to talk about his role as Brad on the ABC comedy, “The Middle.” Brock says he has some similarities with his character, including the fact they both know how to tap dance! Brock recently graduated from Chapman University with a degree in Mathematics and even served as a campus tour guide while attending. Mark decides to have some fun with Brock by testing his math skills with an algebra question. After the interview, Brock teaches Cristina and Mark some tap moves.
Don't miss "The Middle," Wednesdays, 8/7c on ABC

Cristina Cooks: Classic Quiche Lorraine

Classic Quiche Lorraine

Cristina is in the kitchen cooking Quiche Lorraine using Eggland Eggs. She explains that she only uses Eggland Eggs because it has double the Omega 3s. Eggland also contains 25% less saturated fat than ordinary eggs. Finally, she pairs the quiche with a nice salad.

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Ken Wingard's DIY Skull Door Knocker

DIY Skull Door Knocker

Continuing with his Halloween DIYs, Ken Wingard is making a Skull Door Knocker to go with the Halloween door he created with Tanya the day before. He enlists in the help of Brock to help out. Ken emphasizes to use a brush on paint with the styrofoam and avoid spray paint. This entire DIY will cost you $20!

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Joanna Going Interview

The actress sits down with Mark and Cristina to talk about her Audience series, “Kingdom.” Her son is played by Nick Jonas and in real life, he gave her a schooling on social media. One of Joanna’s most challenging roles was playing multiple characters on the 90’s version of “Dark Shadows.” She has even bonded with “Orphan Black” actress Tatiana Maslany about playing doppelgängers.
Don't miss "Kingdom," Wednesdays, 9/8c on Audience, DIRECTV and U-verse

Follow Joanna on Twitter @joannagoing1

Sweater Weather

Kym Douglas is back and welcoming in the colder weather! She introduces candles that have the scent modeled after “Sweater Weather” and even shows you “Flannel” scented candles! She also brings out full arm warmers and fashionable hats that Cristina and Joanna model. Finally, Kym’s dog Bella shows of the latest in dog sweaters.

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Enzymes and Good Health

Healthy Cooking Expert Keri Gassman talks about the importance of enzymes and optimal health. She explains that a healthy system consists of proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, low stress and exercise. She emphasizes that managing stress is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We need enzymes to break down the food we consume. She recommends Enzymedica as an enzyme supplement.

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Shirley Bovshow's Living Autumn Harvest Floral Arrangements

Living Autumn Harvest Floral Arrangements

Shirley Bovshow shows you various displays you can make with live autumn harvest. She creates a Root Vegetable Display, Instant Hydrangea Topiary and Orchid Harvest. She also gives you some pointers on how to create your display including to always using a liner so you can continue to water the live plants while on display.

Get more from Shirley at and follow her on Twitter @EdenMaker

Baby's Development: Feet and Legs

Baby Developments

Dr. JJ is back to talk about baby’s legs and feet for development. She believes children should start walking independently at 12-14 months and should be able to run stiffly at 16 months. Ken is worried about his toddler daughter’s walking bow-legged. Dr. JJ recommends Ken getting his daughter looked at for Tibial Torsion and there are many treatment options to look into. Dr. JJ says children outgrow this condition and he should have nothing to worry about.

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Tanya Memme's DIY Milk Glass

Faux Milk Glass Jewelry

Tanya Memme is in the craft room to make Faux Milk Glass Jewelry. Explaining that vintage jewelry is trending right now, this DIY is perfecting timing for viewers at home. She emphasizes that you need to use a small glue gun that gets very hot to heat the Mod Melts.

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