Recap: The Delivery - Season 7 - Episode 3
Grace is Coming Home
Sam finds Cassie in the kitchen at 3am making muffins in excitement for Grace’s return home.
Later that morning as Cassie makes up Grace’s bed, she find her old stuffed animal Boo Boo. Joy notices her lovingly looking at Boo Boo and can tell she cannot wait for Grace to get home. Cassie looks just as lovingly at her friendship bracelet. Joy assumes it’s from Grace. Cassie says it actually belonged to Joy’s mother. She takes it off and hands it to Joy saying, “Now it belongs to you.”
Abigail arrives just in time to hear Joy’s news. She found the shell her dad gave her – no surprise to Abigail as she assumed Joy still had it. Joy thinks the symbol in the sand is meant for protection, but from what? Cassie says they need to find out.
Cassie Takes a Trip Down Memory Lane
At the Café, Cassie takes a trip down memory lane, remembering her own baby shower from years ago. The reminiscing prompts Martha to ask for help with a “Day of Claire” to shower her daughter-in-law with kindness before she becomes a mom. Unfortunately, things take a turn when Cassie gets a text from Grace - she is not coming home.
Abigail is surprised to find Daniel at Donovan’s office. Since he is sticking around a while, he offers to help Donovan start up a social presence ahead of his run for governor.
While delivering donations to the learning annex, Stephanie is nearly a run over by a handsome young man on a bike. He is Sean, a very cute and overly confident guy. Stephanie warns if he wants to stay cute, he’d better wear a helmet. After she collects herself, she notices a sign for a Beginners French class at the annex.
You know, if you wanna stay cute, you should wear a helmet.
Tom bangs his knee after getting a brooch from under Martha’s desk. She thinks he should have it looked at by their doctor. Tom’s refusal leads to a stunning admission: he has not been to the doctor in decades.
Abigail brings Cassie flowers to cheer her up since Grace made a big choice to stay in Italy without talking to Cassie. Suddenly, Abigail gets a huge offer from Flower Universe to sell the flower shop.
Adam Searches for Purpose as Abigail Prepares for a Sale
Adam catches up with Sam at his office. Sam is honest saying Adam is a "hot mess" as he has no job, no mission and no Stephanie." Later, Adam finds George in an old, small church. George’s father used to preach in it. Adam would love to join George during a service but unfortunately, the land it sits on has been sold and it will soon be demolished.
Abigail has decided to sell her flower shop and tells Donovan about using the money to open her own ad agency. She and Donovan share a kiss that Daniel snaps for a social post. Appalled by the invasion of privacy, Donovan demands Daniel not post it.
At the bistro Stephanie has decided to take the French class. Before taking a swing at learning French, she swings a hammer to start the bistro renovation. Unfortunately, Joy thinks Stephanie hit a pipe in the wall. As she tries to access the damage, the new bracelet that belonged to her mother gets stuck along with her arm.
Joy Meets a Beautiful Firefighter Named Zoey
A beautiful firefighter named Zoey arrives to help Joy get her arm out the wall. Joy’s pride may be hurt, but her arm is okay.
At the French class, Stephanie almost gets her foot run over by Sean on his bike again. At least this time Sean is wearing a helmet. Stephanie is mortified as Sean has almost run her over twice, and he is the class instructor.
Overwhelmed by Daniel’s constant photo-taking and the posting of their private moments, Abigail and Donovan find him a job on a mayoral campaign to get his swagger back in the political world.
Adam finds George at Grey House as he had an idea to save the church. He believes they can prevent demolition if it gets declared a landmark. Unfortunately, Martha breaks the news the church does not qualify as a landmark. However, they could move the church down the road to save it.
During the first French lesson Sean notes that crème brûlée should be made with salt and citrus or citron vert. Stephanie sees this as an opportunity to school Sean on baking basics. Owning a bistro has taught her how to make crème brûlée sans citron vert and challenges the class to put her recipe up against a fancy French chef’s recipe from Sean.
Sam visits Tom to persuade him to see a doctor. Tom’s philosophy is if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Sam cares about Tom and suggests he get checked out to make sure he is healthy, especially as he has a grandchild on the way.
Joy finds Zoey looking for a new faucet and offers to install it for her to return the favor of getting her arm out of the wall. Joy also sees it as an opportunity to get to know more about Zoey, a buoyant literature lover who is also seeking her pilot’s license.
Stephanie Gets a Chef's Kiss
Meanwhile at Martha’s, Claire goes into labor early. Unfortunately, tree trimmers have them blocked in leading her to give birth at home. Dylan arrives just in time to welcome their baby girl – Tomi. Tom is moved by the name choice and decides to make a doctor’s appointment.
At the bistro Stephanie tests her crème brûlée on Joy and realizes she is going to be eating crow. Sean’s recipe with citron vert is definitely better. To spare herself embarrassment in front of the whole class, she finds Sean alone at the annex and gives him one of her maple bacon donuts. He takes a bite and Stephanie tells him to choose his next words carefully. Sean chooses a kiss – a chef’s kiss – a high culinary, and flirtatious, compliment.
Flower Universe rescinds their deal for Abigail’s flower shop. The broken deal puts the shop sale and Abigail’s agency dreams on hold. Donovan encourages Abigail not to give up on her dreams, prompting her to say they make a good team.
Cassie very much misses Grace as she watches old home videos. Finally, Cassie gets the call she has been waiting for from Grace, filling her in on her new Italian adventures as an intern at a fashion house.