Ingredients: (1 person pancake meal )
- Soy powder, 1 oversized scoop, vanilla or French vanilla flavor
- 1 T dry oatmeal
- Egg whites (2-4)
- Vanilla flavoring (a few drops)
- Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
- 1 small fresh apple, shredded
- Cut up roasted raw almonds (10)
- Combine and drop onto hot skillet sprayed with Pam
- Top with no calorie spray "butter"
385 calories, 7 grams of fat
Average Restaurant Pancakes:
750 calories, 22 grams of fat
49% fewer calories, 69% less fat
1 Person Pancake Meal Recipe:
Mix in Bowl:
• Soy powder, 1 oversized scoop, vanilla or French vanilla flavor
• 1 T dry oatmeal
• Egg whites (2-4)
• Vanilla flavoring (a few drops)
• Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
• 1 small fresh apple, shredded
• Cut up roasted raw almonds (10)
• Combine and drop onto hot skillet sprayed with Pam
• Top with no calorie spray "butter"