
Homemade Pasta with Carbonara Sauce

Homemade Pasta with Carbonara Sauce
Actor Kavan Smith is in the kitchen making a delicious Italian dish with homemade sauce.

Ingredients for Pasta

  • 270 g of 00 flour
  • 45 g of semolina flour
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 Tbs olive oil
  • 3 Eggs

Ingredients for Carbonara Sauce

  • About 200 g of thick cut pancetta
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh grated Reggiano parmesan
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Salt and pepper
  • ½ cup fresh chopped Italian parsley
  • 4 servings worth of pasta
  • 2 cups pasta water

Homemade Pasta Carbonara - Home & Family

Directions for Pasta

1. Combine 00 flour and semolina flour in a large bowl
2. Using you hand or back of spoon create a well or bowl in the flour
3. Crack 3 eggs into the flour well
4. Add olive oil and salt
5. Use a fork to whisk the eggs together
6. Slowly pull in the outside wall of flour into the egg mixture until you have a shaggy mass
7. Dump shaggy mass onto a flat and clean surface
8. Knead the mass into a dough for 10 minutes. It will take time to incorporate all of the flour. If it is too wet (comes together immediately) add a bit more flour. If it is too dry (won’t come together after several minutes of kneading) add a drop or two of water.
9. Wrap tight in plastic wrap to rest for 30 minutes.
Tip: You can refrigerate the dough at this point for about 2 days
10. After 30 minutes, use rolling pin to roll out dough.
11. Cut the edges of rolled out dough, leaving you with a rectangle
12. Flour both sides of rolled out dough and fold
13. Cut dough with sharp knife length wise.
14. Toss pasta in flour to unravel from rolled up bunch or hang on pasta rack
15. Cook pasta in water for desired amount of time

Directions for Carbonara

1. Cut pancetta into cubes.
2. In a small bowl, combine 1 cup Reggiano with egg yolks. Season generously with salt & pepper.
3. In a large skillet gently render the Pancetta cubes until slightly brown
4. Add 2 garlic cloves. Do not chop. We will discard garlic eventually.
5. Sautee garlic and pancetta for 3 – 5 minutes
6. Discard garlic
7. Add your cooked pasta and toss with pancetta and rendered fat.
8. Take off heat
9. Add the egg cheese mixture and toss or use tongs to mix. Do this slowly so as to not scramble the eggs.
10. Start adding the warm starch water ½ cup at a time and continue to combine the egg mixture into the noodles. The water will make this easier.
11. The noodles will soak up quite a bit of the water, so take your time and keep adding. You may not need the whole 2 cups. It will make a nice creamy luxurious sauce.
12. Finally toss in the parsley
13. Serve with a generous garnish of grated parm on top.

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