Fat Jerry Sandwich
A delicious sandwich recipe straight from Fat Sal's restaurant!


  • 1 piece Fat Bread
  • 1 pinch Meat Seasoning
  • 1 slice Yellow American Cheese
  • 1 Chicken Finger
  • 1 handful French Fries
  • 1 oz Mayonnaise
  • 1 Over Easy Egg
  • 4 oz sliced Rib-Eye Steak
  • 2 oz sliced Brown Onion
  • 1 slice Bacon
  • 2 Mozzarella Sticks
  • 1 oz Ketchup
  • Salt & Pepper

•   Use a deep fryer to precook the following elements: chicken finger, French fries, and mozzarella stick. 

•   Precook bacon in a frying pan. Then start to cook the egg.

•   Separately, cook the rib-eye and onions. Add seasonings when appropriate.

•   Flip the egg and take it off the heat.

•   Chop the rib-eye and onion mixture, cooking it to medium (or your preferred level of doneness).

•   Put the onion-meat mixture and American cheese along the length of the Fat Bread.

•   Add bacon on top of the sandwich and place the egg in its center.

•   Cut the chicken finger lengthwise and place the halves end to end on the sandwich.

•   Add a mozzarella stick next to each chicken finger.

•   Next, arrange the French fries on top of the other sandwich elements.

•   Drizzle ketchup and mayonnaise on top.

•   Wrap it all up tightly and slice to serve.

Fat Sal's Sandwich - Home & Family

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