Charity Wakefield Interview
The actress sits down with Mark and guest co-host Debbie Matenopoulos to talk about her new NBC series, “The Player.” She also talks about how thrilling it has been to act alongside action star, Wesley Snipes on the show and she brings a high-octane clip for Home & Family to enjoy. Aside from her series, Charity also recently co-starred with Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper in the period piece, “Serena.” During her free time, the actress also loves to play Scrabble, which Mark and Debbie quiz her on!Don't miss "The Player" when it premieres September 24th, 10/9c on NBC
Dolmathes me Lahano Avgolemono
Debbie is in the kitchen cooking up a tradition Greek dish that may be hard to pronounce, but very easy to eat. She explains that this was a dish her late father used to make, so it has sentimental value for her. It is very easy to substitute ground beef with turkey or rice, as well.
Check out more delicious recipes at the Home & Family Pinterest Page
Follow Debbie on Twitter @IAmDebbieM
Glam Safety
Kym Douglas has some products that will not only help protect women from assailants, but also not take up that much room in your purse. With the startling fact that one out of every five women will be assaulted in their lifetime, Kym points out that it is very important to always be aware and cautious of your surroundings. She demonstrates how each of her suggested products work, like an alarm, pepper spray and even a taser.
Check out Kym's suggested products:
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DIY Backyard Angry Birds
With Angry Birds being one of the hottest apps to ever be downloaded on to a smart phone, Daniel Kucan and Tanya Memme team up for a very fun DIY, a Backyard Angry Birds game! Afterwards, Mark, Debbie, Daniel and Tanya decide to play the game and test it out. Mark does very well, while Debbie’s aim could use a little work!
Check out fun DIY projects at the Home & Family Pinterest Page
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Iyanla Vanzant’s Interview
Motivational speaker and best selling author Iyanla Vanzant talks to Home & Family about her new season of “Iyanla: Fix My Life” which premieres Saturday, September 19th on OWN. She reveals that she had to overcome her own adversity and how that led to living a successful life. She also talks about her own suicide attempt and how it triggered taking charge of her life. She even takes the time to give some advice to Sophie about how to stop being so hard on herself when parenting.
Heart Rate Monitoring
Fitness Expert Mike Karpenko talks to Mark and Debbie about the importance of heart rate training. Mark reveals his own physical transformation that took place while working out with Mark. He explains that your maximum heart rate should be 220 minus your age. Using a heart rate monitor, you increase your aerobic and lung capacity. Mike says to keep your diet in line and keep your heart rate steady at 135 for 30 minutes a day, you will see results.Follow Mike on Twitter @mikekarpenko
DIY Coffee Creamers
Sophie Uliano is in the kitchen to show you how to make your very own healthy coffee creamer. Some of the creamers available on the market today include chemicals and don’t even have actual cream. Not only that, other creamers may contain hydrogenated oils and emulsifiers. Sophie’s own creamer doesn’t have any artificial flavors and can be stored for up to a month. Another benefit, Sophie’s creamer will cost you only three dollars!Check out more delicious recipes at the Home & Family Pinterest Page
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Ask the Hosts
Debbie and Mark take the time to sit down and answer some questions from Facebook viewers!
Start Now to Avoid Holiday Debt
Jeanette Pavini gets you ready for the holiday season by showing you how to prepare ahead of time. She encourages people to make a spreadsheet and start their saving now in order to have money ready to spend on presents for Christmas time!
Check out more from Jeanette at