
Tony Horton's Workout Moves For Beginners

  1. LEG CLIMBERS – Great for the core (stomach and abs) and good for beginners. Lie on your back and slowly climb up your leg with your arms and climb back down. Do this on both legs.
  2. BRIDGE LIFTS – Here's another one that is great for the core. Lie on your back and plant your feet on the ground lifting your leg up and down trying to get as much range of motion as you can get. Do this on both legs.
  3. ELBOW DOWNWARD STRIKE – this is a mixed martial arts move that is great for coordination and full body movement. Hands are up next to ears, elbow, down strike towards the ground.
  4. PUSHUP CRUNCH – Get in the plank (push-up) position. Go down as far as you can to complete a push up and then take your left leg and crunch it knee to your elbow. Do the other side and alternate. To modify just do a small push up and shorter crunch that doesn't extend all the way to your knee.
  5. MARY CATHERINE - This burns calories, gets your heart rate up. Get into a lunge position and kick the leg back and repeat. You can get your hands involved raising them above your head.For more info on any of Tony's programs, including his upcoming P90X3 program, go to Tony's website at
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