
Tips From the "Home & Family" Garden All-Stars

  • Spring is the perfect time to plant your edibles and vegetables!
  • Plan out your garden before you buy anything.
  • Space out your plants accordingly. Too tight roots have no where to grow, too wide and you'll get more weeds.
  • If planting seeds, place seed markers in the ground to identify what and where you've planted.
  • When planting a tree, leave the "collar" (the spot where the root meets the trunk) above ground to breath in oxygen.
  • Know how invasive your trees' roots are before your plant, so to avoid destroying your yard.
  • Be careful about over-watering and drowning your plants.
  • Don't over-seed your soil. Sometimes just a few seeds will do the trick so you're not left with an abundance of edibles.
The Home & Family Garden All-Stars

Visit garden designer & TV host Shirley Bovshow at & on Twitter @Edenmaker.

Learn more from organic vegetable expert & author of "Gardening For Geeks," Christy Wilhelmi at And, you can get a copy of "Gardening For Geeks" at

Visit David Walrod, host of "Urban Dirt," at Urbandirt.TV.

How to Start a Garden
How to Start a Garden