Zoomer - Robotic Dog You Can Speak Commands To http://zoomerpup.com - $80
Galaxy Gear Watch - Dick Tracy Comes To Life! http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxynote3-gear - $300
This new breed of gravity defying Nano V2 bugs can now climb up vertically, horizontally, around corners, through loops and tubes, to the tip top of any Nano V2 habitat set .
- $50
Whoosh Gadget Cleaner
Cool visually - can do a swab test before and after on a cell phone - this spray is totally natural removes gunk, germs, etc from gadgets, plus it’s SAFE - I can spray it into my mouth on air and it’s fine! No chemicals, etc.
I LOVE this stuff and carry it everywhere to keep my gadgets shiny
- $10
Doxie Flip
Battery powered mobile scanner lets you finally digitize your photo collection easily! Plus you can digitize old postcards, clippings, or whatever.
- $150
cybermonday.com for tech and gadget deals all year long!