Materials for DIY Colander Planter
- Colander
- Dried Moss or Planter Liner
- Potting Soil
- Annuals
- Twine or Chain
- S-Hook
Materials for DIY Teacup Bird Feeder
- Teacup
- Plate
- Epoxy Glue
- Chain
- Wire
- S-Hook
- Bird Seed
Spring Thrift Store Find DIYs - Home & Family
Directions for Colander Planter
1. Add dried moss against inside of colander.
2. Add annuals.
3. Fill in with dirt where needed.
4. Attach twine, chain or something similar to handles. Can attach through colander holes if there are no handles.
5. Hang up on s-hook.
Directions for Bird Feeder
1. Glue teacup to plate.
2. Take two pieces of chain, equal lengths, and attach them in the middle with wire.
3. Take the four end and attach them together with wire.
4. Add to s-hook.
5. Sit plate on chains.
6. Hang up.
7. Add bird seed.
OPTIONAL: Can hang up from handle of teacup with twine, cord, etc. instead of using the chains.