You’ll often hear from various agencies or groups that they “Promote Responsible Pet Ownership.” In fact, I’ve said it myself many times. But what exactly does that mean? What are they “promoting” and what is considered “responsible?”
I’ve broken down the definition into five simplistic categories, as I believe it’s intended. To make it a little more interesting, there’s a scale included so you can get an idea of where you land…and where there’s room for improvement.
- By Kwane Stewart, DVM
This is pretty basic. Your dog either IS, or it ISN’T. For many reasons this is one of the more important things you can do for the health and longevity of your dog, not to mention doing your part to reduce our nation’s horrendous pet overpopulation problem. Outside of being a legitimately responsible breeder, I’ll often say, “if you’re pet isn’t altered you should be embarrassed.” This is an all or nothing score.
Spayed/Neutered = 10 points
Are you the owner of a dog that will run from you and not come back…or jump on houseguests…or chew up things and dig holes like a badger? Having your dog trained is part of the “responsible” equation. An ill-behaved or aggressive dog is one that eventually gets ignored. You lose interest to walk them if they tug and pull. You don’t allow them into the house if they have accidents or annoy visitors. Over time it drives a wedge between you and your pooch. The top reason dogs get relinquished to animal shelters is because of behavioral problems. But the blame doesn’t lie with the dog. It is inherently your fault. Take the time and spend the money to get your dog trained and socialized.
Excellently Trained = 10 points
Well Trained = 8 points
Moderately Trained (needs some work) = 5 points
Poorly Trained = 0-1 points
If your dog is lost, is it gone forever? What have you done to ensure they’ll make it back home? The common excuses no longer fly, “he’s an inside dog only,” or “he’s too old.” Dogs end up on the streets or in shelters for many, many reasons (I witness it everyday.) Your dog should have a collar with a current I.D. tag AND a microchip. Lastly, you should be compliant with you’re counties licensing regulations. When a city/county has a high licensing rate they can more easily return lost dogs, regulate breeding programs and enforce ordinances such as barking and spay/neuter. Additionally, licensed dogs are required to be rabies vaccinated, which makes a community safer.
Microchip = 5 points
Current License = 3 points
I.D. Tags = 2 points
Your dog is a biological wonder: Intelligent, diverse, athletic and built to survive. And for that reason their health should be monitored no different than you or I. In fact, because they can’t speak and they age much quicker than us they need to see the “interpreter” at least once a year. You’re vet has been trained to speak “dog” and their input is invaluable to the graceful, healthy aging of your dog. Be proactive in the health care of your dog. We’re fortunate these days to have so many resources at our fingertips. Get away from the old school thinking of “I’ll give it a few days and see if he gets better.”
Regular Vet Visits and Current Vaccinations = 10 points
Infrequent Vet Visits and Vaccines Not Current = 5 points
Rarely goes to the Vet, No Vaccines = 0-2 points
This is the x-factor of the equation. It’s subjective and will require some HONEST assessment on your part. Simply ask yourself how good of a companion are you to your dog? Do you take an interest in them? When you arrive home from work, do you seek them out to say hello? Obviously you have a life outside of your pet, but your dog’s whole world revolves around you. Dogs are not wild animals. They’ve been domesticated for thousands of years and therefore need a relationship with their owner to be fulfilled. The categories above outline the essentials of owning a dog, but actually loving them and giving them your time may be the most important.
Best Friend: 10 points
Good Friend: 8 points
Acquaintance: 5 points
Stranger: 0 points
How did you score?
45-50 points: You are a model owner and reside in the top 5%…a stellar example for the rest of us. Wear this badge proudly. You’re dog is one of the lucky ones!
35-44 points: You’re a good owner but there’s a little room for improvement. You clearly have a solid foundation but just need to tweak a few things.
25-34 points: You’re doing some things right but likely dropping the ball completely in a couple categories. As you near 25 points this is where you begin to ask yourself: Do I have the necessary time, environment (yard, space etc.) and resources? And, what do I need to do to turn this around?
Less than 25: Obviously, there’s a lot of room for improvement and in the best interest of your dog you should start making some major changes today.
This scorecard is not hard and fast. I certainly wouldn’t want someone to dump their dog because they scored a 20. The more relevant question is: Am I in a position to make this right? Or even more appropriate, start thinking ahead: If I take this dog home, do I have what it takes to score at least a 35? Remember, pet ownership is not a right, it’s a privilege.
Use these guidelines to aspire to the best owner possible. Your dog certainly deserves it. HINT: If you do the good deed of adopting a shelter dog you get an automatic 20 points. Why? Adoption dogs typically come spayed/neutered, microchipped, vet examined, licensed and vaccinated! Not a bad start.
Please visit American Humane Association to learn more.
Find animals up for adoption at
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