
Santa’s Sleigh Bells Door Hanger

Ken Wingard's DIY rings in the Holidays.


  • Faux leather
  • Fabric scissors
  • Felt in a contrasting color
  • Sewing machine & thread
  • Pinking shears
  • Large jingle bells
  • Wire
  • Wire snips
  • Awl
  • 4” wooden ring
  • Gold spray paint
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Adhesive vinyl
  • Cricut machine or x-acto knife
  • Tape
  • Scissors


1. Paint the wooden ring gold and set aside to dry.

2. Print the pattern out on tile setting and piece it together with tape. Cut out. Download pattern here.

3. Trace the pattern onto your faux leather and cut it out.

4. Place the pattern onto some felt and cut a rectangle that is big enough to frame your piece of faux leather.

5. With a contrasting color of thread to your leather, sew the faux leather onto the felt piece.

6. Use pinking shears to cut the felt around the faux leather leaving around a ¼” border.

7. To create a design at the top with vinyl, you can out your design with an x-acto knife or if you have a cricut machine feel free to use that! Apply according to instructions.

8. Now it’s time to add the bells! Starting from the bottom, mark every four inches with two dots next to each other until you reach the top.

9. Use an awl to poke holes where you’ve marked.

10. Cut pieces 3” of wire, crease them in half and feed one through the back loop on each jingle bell so that they have two prongs coming off the back.

11. To secure each bell to the door hanger, feed a prong through each hole and twist in the back. Continue until you’ve added all the bells.

12. Wrap the tab at the top around the gold ring and secure with hot glue.

13. Hang as desired and enjoy!

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