Monday: Pull day
Tuesday: Push day
Wednesday: Rest day
Thursday: Pull day
Friday: Push day
Saturday: Rest day
Sunday: Outdoor activity
Pull Day Circuit
* 2 to 3 circuits
* Rest 3 minutes between circuits
- Tarzan bars: 1 traverse
- Pull ups(modify if necessary)jump negatives or assisted with bands: 10 reps
- Hanging knee raise: 10 reps
- Body weight squats into long jumps: 10 reps
- Rope climb walk ups: 10 reps
- Quintuple step side jumps(ice skater): 20reps
- Ninja planks holding bar:15-30 second hold
- Face pull holding bar: 10 reps
Push Day Circuit
- Burpee with jump: 10 reps
- Push-ups(modified if necessary): 10 reps
- Tarzan crawls: 5 in each direction
- Dumbbell squat thrust(wall lifts): 20 reps
- Jack knife on stability ball(can be modified with mountain climber): 10 reps on ball/ 50 reps mountain climber
- Ball toss on bosu ball with partner(modified no bosu single leg with trunk rotation): 20 reps
- Lunge with lateral raise: side lateral 10 reps/ front lateral 10 reps
- Bench vaults: 20 reps
- Step ups: 20 reps
Ninja Wedding Fitness - Home & Family