

  • Shadowbox frame
  • Foam core
  • Scissors
  • Exacto knife
  • Your favorite photograph or poster


  1. First thing you want to do is cut out each element that you’ve decided to make 3 dimensional. that will leave you with… - a background - a middle ground - a foreground
  2. Place each element on top of your foam core.
  3. Glue them together.
  4. Using your exacto knife, cut out each piece, with the foam core attached.
  5. Cut out square pieces of your foam core – 2 different sizes - small size – 1’ x 1’ - medium size – 2’ x 2’
  6. Carefully glue your middle ground elements to the ends of your small-sized cut out squares.
  7. Do the same with your foreground elements and your medium-sized squares.
  8. Finally, glue all three elements (background, middleground, foreground) to your shadowbox.

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How to Start a Garden
How to Start a Garden