
Lauren Makk - DIY Storybook Votives

Lauren Makk is re-inventing the way we enjoy our favorite Christmas stories.
Storybook Luminaries
Christmas Decor, Kids
Seasonal Event:

Lauren Makk's Storybook Luminaries - Home & Family


  • Cylindrical hurricane vases 8” or 11” height
  • Storybook
  • Tracing paper
  • Double-sided tape or mod podge and paintbrush
  • Ribbon ¼”- ½” width
  • Scissors
  • Cardstock
  • Scotch tape
  • Led tealights
  • Photocopier


  1. Photocopy the desired pages of your favorite storybook onto tracing paper. Pro tip: use some scotch tape to secure the tracing paper to a piece of cardstock on all four sides so it doesn’t jam your printer.
  2. Cut the tracing paper with image to size for the vase you are adhering it to. Repeat with all the images.
  3. Use double-sided tape to adhere the image to the vase. Stick pieces along the edges and press onto the vase. Repeat with each votive. PRO-TIP: You can also use mod podge to adhere the images permanently if desired.
  4. Cut a piece of tracing paper to cover any exposed glass left on the votive. Use double-sided tape to adhere. Repeat with each votive.
  5. Measure out the amount of ribbon you need to add trim to the top and bottom of each votive. Cut to size.
  6. Use hot-glue to adhere the ribbon as trim to the top and bottom edge of each votive.
  7. Arrange as desired, place a tealight or two in each votive and enjoy!

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