
Ken Wingard's DIY Craft Armoire


  • Armoire
  • ½" plywood
  • 2 wood legs
  • 1"x 3" board
  • 2 piano hinges


  1. Cut plywood to fit armoire opening.
  2. Cut legs to be same height as future table (this should also be height of interior shelf of armoire - this may need to be adjusted if there is not an internal shelf the correct height).
  3. Cut the 1x3 so it is the same width of the table.
  4. Attach legs to each side of the 1x3.
  5. Attach leg apparatus to front edge of table top with a piano hinge.
  6. Attach other end of table to armoire shelf with second piano hinge.

Do It Yourself Sewing Armoire

For more, visit Ken Wingard at and follow him on Twitter @KennethWingard.

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