COOL KITCHEN GADGET #1: Microplane Herb Mill $8.00
The Herb Mill grinds fresh herbs with stainless steel blades. The mill also acts as a dispenser. All you have to do is twist it like a pepper mill, and you have fresh herbs! It's dishwasher safe and stores easily in a cabinet or on the kitchen counter. Obviously ideal for chefs who want that finishing flavor and touch (I'd use this to grind fresh herbs over a salad or potato dish... for a fancy brunch for my girlfriends, BUT you can also use it as a way to grind herbs for your kids to sprinkle on top of their favorite foods! Many nutritionists suggest that fresh herbs be used in daily diets for health reasons... and my toddlers are into anything they can "sprinkle" now (like glitter, etc)... sprinkles for their food to get them to EAT it!!!! Rosemary, basil, thyme... you can put ground herbs in little bowls at dinner table and play "let's see what this one makes our potatoes taste like!" Gets them into trying new tastes as well. Microplane Herb Mill $8.00,
COOL KITCHEN GADGET #2: 3-in-1 Avocado Peeler $9.99
You can split, de-pit, and slice the avocado with one tool. The plastic blade cuts through the fruit, and removes the pit without being dangerous. The slicer helps you create perfect slices without squishing them. This has 'fancy schmancy' all over it (like when you go to a restaurant and they have the avocado fanned over the top of the salad... so pretty! I love stuff like that. Impressive for guests, etc... And I've tried to do it with a knife and it always looks like junk.) My girls love avocados too but I always end up practically smearing my "slices" on their plates and they just look at it like "what is this yucky green stuff you're giving me to eat" -- if it's in a slice, it's prettier and more kid-friendly (at least at our house!) It's also fun to say "watch me do a trick" and show your little ones how cool it looks to actually slice in front of them (like a magic trick). 3-in-1 Avocado Peeler $9.99,
COOL KITCHEN GADGET 3#: garliczoom $9.99
This cool kitchen gadget takes the mess out of chopping garlic. Load 1-2 peeled garlic cloves in the garliczoom, close the lid, pull across the counter like a toy car, and you’ve got fresh chopped garlic without the tears or overpowering scent of garlic! Get kids in on cooking with this dishwasher safe contraption. But, remember, after the kiddos have chopped the garlic, have them hand it to you to take the blade out! Garliczoom, $9.99, Bed Bath and Beyond (In store)COOL KITCHEN GADGET #4: Citrus Peeler $2.99
No more citrus peel pulp under your fingernails! Wear the Citrus Peeler on your middle finger or thumb. Pierce the skin with the blade. Move the citrus Peeler around the fruit. Repeat more as many segments as you want to make! Citrus Peeler $2.99, Bed Bath and Beyond (In store)
COOL KITCHEN GADGET #5: Stem Gem $7.99
The Stem Gem employs a unique design that hulls strawberries in a snap! The Stem Gem uses a simple push button mechanism. The fun strawberry design is easy to find in drawer. Top rack dishwasher safe. Your kids will have the best time de-stemming the strawberries while keeping fingers stain-free! Stem Gem $7.99, Bed Bath and Beyond (In store)
COOL KITCHEN GADGET #6: Mastrad Spaghetti Timer and Measurer $12.99
The Mastrad Spaghetti Timer and Measurer is a fun thing to have around to get KIDS interested in the kitchen. Younger kids would have fun "measuring" the spaghetti through the hole. It’s a great project to entertain them while you're actually trying to cook dinner and get it on the table! The timing feature would be great for those mamas whose attention can be easily derailed by kiddos during meal prep time, it's a great gadget to prevent form overcooking. And at dinner parties it's a great gadget for when you have a specific recipe in mind and you must multiply it for more people than the original recipe calls for. The magnet is a novel concept (so you don't lose it in the back of some drawer).
Spaghetti Timer and Measurer, $12.99;
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