
How to Protect Your Clothes from Moths

1. Breathable garment bags or cotton pillowcases!
Airtight plastic boxes, and/or extra large ziplock bags may be a great method of protecting clothing but clothing will still be DIRTY! 5-50% of the weight of the garment is moisture from wear; you do not want to trap this moisture in with the garment in an airtight container! It is best to allow natural fibers to slightly breath throughout the year to allow fibers to remain luxe and rid garment of moisture.
2. Small Cedar blocks/hangers are a highly acidic wood and direct physical contact may discolor or degrade textile strength of fibers. Cedar is only effective in repelling female moths from laying eggs if the oils in the wood have not dried out and still active! 3. Dried mint leaves could work? Unproven. 4. Moth balls are old fashioned. They will leave your garments smelling odorous and are toxic. 5. LAVENDER, Using this plant to repel clothes moths is an old homemaker's trick. Sachets filled with lavender (and/or laced with its oil) and suspended in your closet or tucked in your drawers are said to protect woolens. They will also leave a pleasant scent behind. Lavender will not, however, kill moth eggs or larvae, so be sure the space is free of them first. 6. Freeze garments in freezer or sub-zero winter conditions. 7. Heat, use a steamer. 8. Dry -clean garments that have been worn. This rids them of moth and beetle eggs and also eliminates perspiration remnants and food spills, which attract and nourish pests. Moths and beetles don't eat items made of synthetic or cotton fabrics, but you should clean those, too, if you store them with woolens. Get additional tips from lifestyle and beauty expert Kym Douglas at Follow her @KymDouglas and like her on Facebook.

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