How to Prevent Them from Drooping
- Take you bundle of tulips and keep them bundled
- Wrap tightly with paper so the blooms don’t pop out of the top of the paper
- Secure with rubber band
- Give them a fresh cut at the bottom
- Put in lukewarm water (fill up ¾ way in the vase)
- Put in some light (not sun beaming on them…just light)
- Leave for 2 hours
- Now they should be ready to design!
What to do to Keep Them Looking Fresh and Beautiful
- Make Sure your vase is CLEAN…. washed out – no bacteria in there
- Keep water topped off in the vase – fresh cold water – best to change daily if you can
- Recut them if possible, at an angle each time you change the water
- Cool location – can’t be warm in your house
- I always like a bit a flower food to kill the bacteria BUT if you don’t have that then (bleach, penny, aspirin)
- Penny in the vase – Copper is a Fungicide so helps with bacteria (bleach is the same) and also been said to add an aspirin with the penny…. helps the water flow through the flowers
- Cut the stems and drop them into the fresh flower food water J
- Remove any leaves below water level (leaves create bacteria)
- Use COOL/COLD water for tulips (not warm and definitely not hot)
- Use a supportive vase – remember tulips GROW
Trick to Keep Them Standing Tall
You can take a PIN…. poke through just below the head of the flowers – it lets air escape signals the water to come to the “puncture” within 1-2 hours they will perk up