
How to DIY Paint Faux Plants, Bookshelf and Rug

Paige, Ken and Orly show you how can use paint to spruce up just about anything.

Materials for DIY Painted Faux Plants

  • Spray paint
  • Painters tape
  • Sponge shape brushes in a variety of shapes
  • Acrylic paint
  • Artificial plants in pots
  • Paper plate
  • Paint brushes

Materials for DIY Painted Bookshelf

  • Knick Knacks
  • Hardcover Books
  • Spray Paint
  • Painters Tape
  • Brushes
  • Paint

Materials for DIY Painted Rug

  • Large Area Rug
  • Painters Tape
  • Paint
  • Brush


DIY Painted Faux Plants:
1. Tape off the pot and any rocks or soil that it is placed in.

2. In a well-ventilated area, spray paint the leaves. If one coat doesn’t cover the green, add additional coats until you have full coverage. Set aside to dry.

3. Take some of the acrylic paint and put it into the paper plate as your palette. Using the sponge shapes, dip the sponge into the paint and make a couple sponge marks on the plate (to make sure it’s not over or under saturated) before adding the color onto the plant.

4. Use different shapes to create different designs on each plant.

5. Set aside to dry.

6. Remove the painters tape

7. Put the plants together and enjoy your new creation.

DIY Painted Bookshelf:
1. In a well-ventilated area, spray paint the knick knacks. Set aside to dry.

2. Tape off books with only spine showing

3. Paint spine books similar color to knick knacks

4. Arrange items and books on shelf

DIY Painted Rug:
1. Create chevron pattern using painters tape

2. Paint

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