Paige Hemmis shows you the easy steps in making your own tapestry.


  • Curtain Rod (slightly larger than your fabric)
  • Rod brackets and hardware (this should come with your curtain rod)
  • Hot glue (or crafter’s glue)
  • Screw gun (or screwdriver)
  • Level
  • Fabric/Tapestry

Hanging a tapestry can add a beautiful design feature to your home.  While in the pastthey have referred to large, heavy woven fabric that is used as wall décor or upholstery, now they can be made of any fabric.  They are beautiful and can also be very useful. 

They can add a design element to a room to add color or texture, and even decrease noise, echoes and ambient sound.

There are several different ways to hang tapestry, and much of that depends on the type of fabric you are hanging. 

Different methods:

If using a heavy fabric:

Hang a rod and create a rod pocket

Use Velcro over a board

Use baseboard

If using a lighter fabric:

Mount on stretcher

Attached to the wall with thumbtacks (dorm rooms)

Hang with rings

What kind of fabrics can you hang?

You can use actual tapestries, rugs, your favorite fabric, grandma’s quilt, or even a runner from your wedding. 


1. Measure wall/niche: The first thing you need to do is measure the area that you want to hang this tapestry.  I suggest measuring the area, then cutting your fabric so that there’s a 6” gap all the way around your opening, with double the amount on top to use to make a rod pocket.  (If this is on the wall instead of a niche, you can make it any size you would like).  Since my fabric is already 4’ wide with a border, I will leave the width and only cut the length.  The measurements of my niche are 51” wide x 86” long.

2. Cut your fabric to the correct length.  You can do a detailed cut on the bottom or cut straight across.  I would like a little variation, so I will cut mine at an angle.  This is what is known as a dovetail cut.  The easiest way to do this is to fold your fabric in half and cut both sides together.  This will ensure that you have an even cut on both sides (a great tip for cutting ribbon as well).

3. Lay out your tapestry on a work surface face down.  If your fabric is wrinkled, this would be the best time to iron it.

4. Take the top of your tapestry and fold it over your rod, leaving a bit of a gap around the rod.

5. Take your glue and line the edge of your fabric and affix it to the backside of the tapestry.

6. Allow glue to dry completely.

7. Attach any finials to the ends of the rod.

8. Take the brackets and hardware and attach these to the wall just outside the width of your tapestry.  You may need drywall anchors to hold these into place.  Attach the brackets so that your tapestry hangs about 6” down from the top (or equidistant to your bottom measurement).

9. Hang your tapestry!

Do It Yourself Tapestry - Home & Family

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