
DIY Vintage Ski Pass Coasters

Paige Hemmis shows how you capture your snow filled memories with this clever DIY coaster.


  • 4"x4" Travertine Tiles (available at hardware stores)
  • Ski Passes/Lift Tickets
  • Scanner
  • Computer to print them as close to a 4”x 4” image
  • Regular white paper
  • Laser Printer (If you don’t have a laser printer go to your local print shop)
  • Mod Podge
  • Sponge Brush
  • Sand paper
  • Cup of Water
  • Paper Towel
  • Straight Edge
DIY Vintage Ski Pass Coasters - Home & Family


1. First scan and arrange each lift ticket to be about 4”x 4”.
· *IMPORTANT: Because the lift ticket will have writing on it, you will need to flip the image horizontally (or mirror it). This is easy to do in Word or a printing/photo editing program.

2. Print with a laser printer the image in 4”x 4” (or you could do a little smaller to have a border around the image.

3. Cut the pictures to size.

4. Take you travertine tiles and make sure they are clean and dust-free. You can do this with a damp rag. Don’t rinse them in the sink because the stone is quite porous, and it will be too wet to complete the rest of the processes.

5. With your sponge brush, brush on the front of the picture and the top of the tile.

6. Place the front of the picture to the top of the tile. Using a straight edge, get out any lines, imperfections or bubbles. Be careful during this step as you are now dealing with damp paper which can rip easily.

7. Set aside to dry. You should allow them to dry for 24 – 48 hours. Feel free to stack them on top of each other to help them adhere or lay a large book over the top of them while they dry. You do not want them peeling up!

8. When they are completely dry, fill a cup with water. Take your paper towel, wet it and start rubbing gently on the coaster. It will begin to reveal the picture. You may have to re-wet this several times, but again, be sure not to saturate the tile.

10. Peel and wipe away any excess paper until your entire image is visible. Remove all traces of the white paper so that only the image remains on the tile.

· OPTIONAL: Use sandpaper to rough up the edges to look rustic. This will also help get the remaining white paper off the sides of the tile coaster.

11. Dust it off with a damp paper towel to remove the dust. Dry it off with a dry paper towel.

12. Add another layer of mod podge on the top. This will seal the image and make it safe to hold your favorite hot or cold beverage!

1. Select image.

2. Go to the “Format” drop down tab and select “Picture."

3. The format menu will come up. Click “3-D Rotation” on the left.

4. On the right on the first line type in “180”, which will turn the picture 180 degrees and will invert it for you!

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