
DIY Valentine’s Day Makeup Bag

Update an ordinary makeup bag with fun designs to give as gifts.
DIY Valentine's Day Makeup Bag
Beauty, DIY Gifts
Seasonal Event:
Valentine's Day


For a Heart Bag

  • Tissue paper
  • Craft glue (Mod Podge)
  • Heart-shaped hole punch; optional
  • Small canvas makeup Bag
  • Paper
  • Paint brush
  • Scissors
  • Wax paper

For a Glitter Bag

  • Small canvas makeup bag
  • Glitter
  • Mod podge
  • Iron-on letters or stencil
  • Painters tape
  • Wax paper

For a Heart Bag

  1. Cut heart shapes out of tissue paper; for easy and clean looking hearts, use a heart hole punch; you can cut heart shapes with scissors as well
  2. Place a few sheets of wax paper into the middle of the canvas bag to protect the inside and other side of the bag from the mod podge
  3. Pre-plan where you want to place your hearts
  4. Use the paint brush to apply a generous amount of mod podge to the canvas and press your hearts on to the bag in the preplanned area
  5. After all the hearts are in place, apply another layer of mod podge over the top of the hearts on the bag to secure them on
  6. Allow to dry for a few hours minimum


*To make your tissue paper hearts, place the tissue paper inside a folded piece of regular paper. This ensures you’ll get an even, clean cut.

*If you do not have a heart hole punch, fold the tissue paper in half to create an even heart shape

For a Glitter Bag

Place the painter’s tape into the bag above the area where glitter is desired
Place a piece of wax paper inside the bag to prevent the glue from soaking through
Apply the mod podge where you would like the glitter
Pour a heavy coat of glitter over the mod podge
Shake off excess glitter and allow to dry completely
Once dry, apply another layer of mod podge over the bag and allow it to dry completely
Add additional working details of method of choice, as you see fit!


*Use painter’s tape to create a clean line for the glitter*

*You can also add glitter into the mod podge for extra coverage*

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