DIY Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids
Kids crafts
Seasonal Event:
Valentine's Day
DIY Unicorn Cups
- Paper Cups
- Small Marshmallows
- Clear Cone Shaped Party Bags
- Curling Ribbon
- Marker
- Foam Sheets or Foam Hearts
- Hot Glue Gun/ Glue
- Scissors
DIY Fringed Love Bug Bags
- Crepe paper
- Scissors
- Double-sided tape or glue
- Brown paper bags
- Googly eyes
- Pipe cleaners
DIY Candy iPods
- Construction Paper
- Candy Hearts Box (Or other Rectangular Candy Box)
- Ipod Face Template (Download below)
- Hot Glue/Tape
- Yarn
- Mini Reese's Cups
Unicorn Cups
- Fill the party bag with marshmallows and tie off the end
- Glue the party bag onto the paper cup, upside down
- Glue your ribbons in front of and behind the marshmallow bag, creating the mane
- Cut hearts out of your foam sheets and cut them in half. (I actually found foam hearts at the store and cut those in half)
- Glue the half-hearts (ears) on either side of the marshmallow bag and mane
- Use your marker and draw eyes on either side of the cup
- Optional (add any of your favorite rainbow or glitter unicorn embellishments!)
Love Bug Bags
- Cut the crepe paper to the same size as the width of the bag
- Use the scissors to cut fringe into one side of the crepe paper leaving about a 1/4-1/2 inch uncut at the top
- To speed up the process, you can cut about 3 sheets at a time
- Place the double-sided tape, or glue, on the uncut part of the crepe paper
- Place onto the brown bag, starting at the bottom, and working your way up
- Repeat until the entire bag is covered
- Fill with candy, and use tape to secure the bag shut; optional
- Use the glue gun to add the eyes to the front of the bag and the antennas to the back of the bag.
Candy iPods
- Wrap and glue the candy heart box with your construction paper and cut it to fit the candy box
- Cut out and glue template to the front of your ipod (Fill the ipod template with your favorite songs, either on the computer or with pen.)
- Cut and glue a 12 inch piece of yarn onto the top of your candy box (This starts the headphone wire)
- Cut a 4 inch piece of yarn. Tie the end of this yarn piece 4 inches down from the other end of the longer yarn piece. Cut away excess.
- Tape two mini reese’s cups to the ends of the yarn pieces
- Gift to your favorite music lover!